Chapter 1

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(Selena's P.O.V.)
I was so angry at my mom for signing me up to go to this stupid boarding school. And sure, I got suspended 10 times and expelled for disrespecting my teachers. But still, I see no reason for me to go. Some times I feel the nerve that she hates me. I know she loves me, though. You know what they say, tough love.
I was having trouble on what to pack so I just packed the things that I wore the most in one suitcase and the things I wore once in a while in a different suitcase. In the most common clothes, I packed my crop tops, booty shorts and denim jeans. In the not common clothes, I packed all my t-shirts, pajamas, pants and oversized sweaters. I didn't have much but it still was a little too heavy. After I was done, I got my phone, charger and headphones and put them into my shoulder rest purse and headed down stairs. My mom was waiting on the couch for me, watching Real Housewives of New York. She saw me and said "Well its about time you finished." I rolled my eyes and walked out the house with my headphones on(music playing) and my suitcases. Mom walked behind me and closed(locked) the door behind her. We both got in the car and buckled up. Mom put the car in ignition and we were off. After about an hour, I felt the car go to a stop so I opened my eyes to see a giant school with people rushing inside to either see their friends, find out where their dorms are or see who their roomates were. I was quite nervous so I looked over at my mom to see her crying. I hugged her and gave her a kiss. "Be careful. And remember, I only did this so you will become the little girl that I wanted you to be." she said, hugging back. "I know, mom. I'm sorry for overreacting. I will definitely clean up my act." I replied, truthfully. I was serious. I realized that I really had been overreacting about going to this boarding school. But I should have just accepted that mom was doing this because she wanted the best for me. And I love her for it. "I love you, sweetheart." she shouted to me, waving and smiling as I got closer to the school. I smiled and waved back before she left. I took a deep breathe and walked in. Everything was furnished and was perfect. I had no idea how mom could afford this but she had her reasons. Anyway, I walked pass some people who were staring at and headed to the office. I went and asked "Umm, hi. I'm Selena Gomez. This is my first year registering." she nodded politely and said "Okay. Well let me print out your schedule and dorm room." I nodded back and went to the waiting room to wait. I sat down exhausted and looked around. There was a lot of expensive artwork in here and a lot of glass vases that could easily shatter into a million pieces. I then picked up a magazine to make time pass by. While flipping through pages, a boy walked in. He looked as if he were new to this school as well. He had a beenie, leather jacket, black skinny jeans (with rips going up and down his leg) and a white t-shirt on. I looked up and glanced at him, trying my best to be lowkey. He looked towards me and I quickly put my head down, as if I weren't just eye balling him. He went to the office and came out 3 minutes later. He then sat next to me. "Hi. I'm Justin. Nice to meet you." he said, putting his hand out for me to shake. I took it and said "Selena. Nice to meet you, too." and smiled. He smiled back before letting go of my hand. I went back to reading my magazine when I heard the receptionists call my name. I smiled one more time at Justin and put my nagazine down. I then went to the office and the kind lady gave me my schedule and dorm number. I thanked her and left the room. "Nice meeting you, Justin." I said and smiled before leaving the room. As I was walking down the hall, some people were still staring at me so I just laughed and went to my dorm.
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