Chapter 11

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(Selena's P.O.V.)
Tonight was definitely going to be a night to remember. And I felt like something really awesome was going to happen. But I needed to find out ehat it was.

I left my thoughts and looked at Justin, whose eyes were on the road. He looked tense so I grabbed him hand in mine and interwinded our fingers. He glanced down at our hands and then at me, with a smile. I smiled back. He looked back at the road and I looked out the window.

We pulled into a parking lot that was in frony of this huge party house(for adults). I was about to step outwhen Justin caught my arm and said "No. Let me." I smiled at how generous and gentalmen-like he was being and went back to my former position. Justin, on the other hand, climbed out the car, closing his side door shut and walked/jogged to my side. He opened the door and lened me a hand to help get out. I gladly took it and stepped out in front of him. He closed the door and locked the car be hind him as we walked towards the entrance. As soon as we walked in, people were cheering and clapping. I smiled wide and threw my arms around Justin. He did the same on my waist. "Awww!" the whole crowd said. We both chuckled and I hid my face in Justin's chest, in embarrassment. Justin lifted my forehead up with the pad of his index finger. "Don't hude that beautiful face of yours." he said. I nodded smiling and we walked to the stand where there was a big chair with presents all around it. I sat in the chair and Justin pulled a chair up next to me. We sat there, next to wach other, hand in hand. Everyone was socializing and having a great time when the DJ came on stage behind us. "Alright, everybody
We're gonna slow things down by having the beautiful birthday girl and her night and shining armor dance alone." said the DJ, now starting a slow song. I smiled and looked at Justin, whose hand was already out for me to take. I took it and walked to the center of the dance floor with Justin. I wrapped my arma aroumd his neck and he wrapoed his around my waist, pulling us closer. I layed my jead on his shoulder and he layed his on my head for support as we waltzed. It was such a savoring moment that I would NEVER forget in my life.
(Justin's P.O.V.)
As me and Selena danced, I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. A weight that I've had for so long. I am so jappy that I found Sekena to help me lift that weight. I wrapoed my arms tighter around her waist and she did around my neck. It was perfect.
(Author's(me) P.O.V.)
After the slow dance, Justin went back to the front seats and partied on with the rest of the audience. After the whome party, everyone sropped off their presents for Selena, cleaned up with the crew and went home. Justin and Selena were packing up the last of their stuff and were heading out the door. But before the got. Lose enough to the car, Justin stopped the both of them. "Selena, I don't wanna go home just yet." he said, staring into Selena's big, brown eyes. "Yeah, sure. It's only 10:30 so why not." she replied, smiling. Justin smiled back and took her hand. They noth walked over to the car. Justin opened the car door for Sekena and she climbed in and buckled up. Justin walked to his sude and got in his drivers seat, closing the door. He put the car in ignition and then drove out the parking lot and onto the road. They stopped at a stop light and were waiting for it to turn green. Once it finally did, they took off.(A/N: I did this Authors pov to speed up the story a bit)
(Selena's P.O.V.)
Justin pulled up to a dirt path. I was comfused by this but I didn't worry much about it. Justin helped me oyt the car, as usual, and walked down the dirt path that lead to a beautiful star gazing sight. I looked around at the amazing view in awe as Justin was standing there gazing at the stars with his hands in his pockets. I took off my heels, which dwarfed me to 4 ft, and wrapped my arms around Justin's neck. He wrapped hus around my waist and put his forehead against mine, never breakung eye contact. "Umm, Selena?" he asked, breaking our foreheads apart and getting all tensed up again. "Yeah? What's wrong?" I asked, worried. "I love you so much. I can't live a single day or moment without you. There was always this weight on my shoulders and now that your mine, the weight feels like a feather. You took that weight off my shoukders and I can never ask for more. I want to start a future and a family with you." he said, getting on one knee. I put my hand over my mouth as tears were going down my chubby cheeks. "Would you so me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked, taking out a red velvet box and opening it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring that must have cost a ton. "Yes! Yes I'll marry you." I said. He sighed in relief and slid the ring on my left ring finger. I eyed the ring for a moment and then looked back at Justin. I pulled him in for a hug and I weapped my arms around him tight. He did the same and I felt as if our lives depended on us staying together. And it did. I pulled away and starred into Justin's brown eyes and kissed him so passionately then we ever have since we started dating.
(Justin's P.O.V.)
Finally. I did it. I asked emher to marry me and she said yes. We were going to have a future and we were going to be a big happy and amazing family.

I kissed Selena once more before pulling away and checking the time. 12:30. Past midnight. There is a huge test tomorrow thar we have to take before we graduate college next week. "Umm, baby, this is an amaxing moment and all but I think we shoudl get going for the test tomorrow. " I said, trying not to make and awkward moment between us. And I didn't. "Sure thing, baby. Let me just slip my heels on." "You don't have to. I can carry you." I said. She shrugged her shoulders and jumped into my arms. I carried her all the way to the car and set her down carefully in her seat of the car. I then spead walked to my side and climbed jnto the drivers seat, closing my side door and putting the car in ignition. We drove all the way to the college and we went to our dorm. By the time we did, Selena was knocked out on the couch. I chuckled to myself seeing her sleep so peacefully. I then picked her up and brought her into our room and layed her on the bed. I changed her into my oversized shirt and then took off all her makeup with disinfecting wipes and then carefully put her hair up in a ponytail as best as I coul. I then put her back on the bed. I'm surprised she still hasn't woken up yet. She is a deep sleeper.

Anyway, I got my sekf ready for bed and then layed down next to Selena, wrapping ourselves with a blanket and wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer to my chest

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Anyway, I got my sekf ready for bed and then layed down next to Selena, wrapping ourselves with a blanket and wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her closer to my chest. I closed my eyes and whispered something in Selena's ear before I went to bed. "Goodnight, Mrs.Bieber." And then, I finally went to sleep.

" And then, I finally went to sleep

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Hey guys. I wish I was married or engaged 😥. But lets not make this story sad when it has a beautiful ending. nd sorry for not updating in, like, 3 days. I was dealing with some personal problems and I just didn't have the time to puvlish more story parts to the book I'm currently writng and the book your currently reading. Love you guys to the moon and back 💖💖🌠🌙. Stay tuned...

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