Chapter Two

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Hello my lovelies.

In case you haven't clicked on to what is going on (I should have made it clearer, instead of just assuming everyone is in my brain and knows already), Chapter 1 is Logan's POV to Chapter 5 in Tongue Tied, and this chapter is Logan's POV to Chapter 15 in Tongue-Tied, and there is roughly 2 weeks difference between Chapter's 1 and 2.

Chapter 3 will verge off completely into Logan and Chris territory, and will follow their story a bit better, while running parallel and continuing on from Tongue-Tied and the events that happened in that book. Todd and Jesse will of course still be present, they're just no longer in the spot-light. Think of the entire thing as one extremely long read, with each book nothing more than a continuation of the book from a different POV.

I'm not explaining very well. If you have questions feel free to message me and I'll try to explain a bit better ahaha. Why can't I ramble on this much with uni assignments? XD   

Enjoy! <3 xox




I sat on the couch at home, resting my head in my hands. Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, I got sent home from work as soon as I walked in the door. One of waitresses that have been there for longer than I have got her days confused and turned up for my shift. They let her stay and I was sent home. I'm still the newbie at this job so I guess her experience won that round for her.

I dropped my head back onto the couch and glared at the ceiling. I need that money. With a sigh, I stood back up. There's not a lot I can do about it now. I walked into my room and changed out of my uniform, before heading to the pantry to see what I had left for week one. I grimaced, seeing that I only had a single can of tuna left to get me through today and tomorrow, and it wasn't even lunch time. I picked up the can of tuna, debating whether or not to eat it now or use what little cash I had to buy something from the cafeteria when I went to the hospital. My stomach cramped with hunger as I put the tuna back into the pantry for tomorrow and left the house, locking the front door behind me and deciding to walk to the hospital instead of catching a bus.

When I finally reach the hospital it's around 12:30 and my stomach prompts me to head straight to the cafeteria to get lunch before seeing Ma, rather than doing it after. Standing in line, I purse my lips and frown at my options. Since when has hospital food been so expensive? Five dollars for a measly sandwich? Are they serious? The woman in front of me collects her food and moves out of the way, and I step forward to order a basic ham and cheese sandwich.

"Logan?" A familiar voice said behind me and I mentally cringe, scrambling for an excuse to be here. I turn around and grimace at Jaden. Just play it cool.

"Oh hi Jaden. I didn't expect to see you here." I said and reached for the sandwich the cafeteria lady gave me, giving her a small smile and a five dollar note in return, then waiting patiently as Jaden moved forward and ordered as well.

"Yeah, it's not exactly a place people want to be... Are you here visiting Luka too?" Jaden replied and I looked up at him sharply. Luka was here again? He seemed to be here more often than me, and that was saying something considering I pretty much lived here. Not that Luka has seen me – I was too careful.

"Luka is in hospital? Is he okay?" I asked, concerned. I hadn't been brave enough to go talk to him on his previous visits. I was too worried he'd figure out what I was here for and it would get around school. Jaden frowned at me, before turning his attention to the cafeteria lady and collecting and paying for his own lunch before we walked to a table together and sat down.

"Yeah. He said he fell down the stairs. You know what the douchebags at school are like though. I personally think he was pushed and doesn't want to be thought of as a snitch. You know what Luka is like. He prefers to keep things to himself." Jaden replied, shaking his head in disgust. I nodded thoughtfully; Luka was a lot like me in that regard. We both preferred to keep our issues to ourselves.

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