Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys. Here's an update. Sorry it was so late today - I start my Masters degree tomorrow, so it's been a bit crazy trying to get ready for the endless amounts of procrastination I'll probably be doing ;) 

Que the cliche - hope you enjoy xox



I ran a hand soothingly down Logan's side from where he was pressed up against me, so exhausted that he had finally fallen into a fitful sleep. Sunlight slipped through the light curtains, illuminating the room enough that I could easily make out the features of his face. I twisted a little to get a bit more comfortable, carefully rearranging Logan in my arms.

I ran my fingers over the skin of his back, feeling a little guilty that I was taking advantage of the situation to touch him, and froze when my fingers brushed over the bumps of his spine. I thought back to all the times I had seen him recently. I mean I knew he had lost weight, it was hard not to notice, but how could I have missed that he had lost enough that I could feel bone? I pulled back a bit further, and Logan grumbled cutely in his sleep, making me smile dopily at him before I gently rolled him over, taking care not to disturb his sleep.

The towel slipped lower and I flushed, averting my eyes until I had his bits covered again, before leaning back and looking at him properly. With a trembling hand I reached out and gently stroked his concave stomach, and then lightly traced over his jutting ribs and hip bones. Dark discolouration covered most of his right side and I scowled, tracing the outline of the bruise. Where had that come from?

My eyes trailed from his chest upwards towards his face before my gaze was caught on something on his neck. I frowned, and gently tilted his head to the side before going cold. A hickey? Why on earth does he have a hickey? More importantly, who gave him a hickey? Most importantly, why isn't this person that gave him a hickey helping him? I scowled down at him, feeling a strange mixture of anger and jealousy. If Logan were mine, I would absolutely be making sure that he was well cared for. Whoever this guy was, I was going to kick his arse if he ever had the misfortune of meeting me.

I disentangled myself from Logan and made my way downstairs to the kitchen, feeling angry. I glanced at my phone and sighed as I realised I had three missed calls. I unlocked the phone and frowned as I saw that all of the missed calls were from Aunt May - who had taken me in after my own parents had died when I was younger. I lived in this house with her, but she was often away due to her work, leaving me in the house by myself. I hopped up on the kitchen counter and called her back.

"Hey Aunt May. What's up?" I asked, dangling my feet off the edge of the counter.

"Hey sweet, how are you? Is the house still standing?" Aunt May joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Aunt May. I'm fine. The house is fine. Everything is fine." I drawled and I could practically hear her grin through the phone.

"That's good. I'm actually calling because you were asking about getting your inheritance early?" Aunt May said bluntly and I slowly straightened up. "You seemed pretty keen so I thought I'd look into it for you."

"Please tell me the news is good." I pleaded, frowning at the floor. All my hopes were resting on this conversation. All of Logan's hopes were resting on this conversation. If I could get this inheritance, I could sort out Logan's bills and then deal with his anger when it was done.

"Well, it depends on how you look at it." Aunt May replied slowly. "It's doable, but there's a catch."

"Of course there is." I said bitterly, before sighing. "What's the catch?"

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