Chapter Eight

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Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter took so long to get up - I had a few things going on which made it hard to update. Schedule should be back to normal (knock on wood), or at the very least chapters will be up more regularly. 

To everyone that is still with me despite the ridiculously long wait between updates for the last couple of chapters: Thank-you. I really appreciate it, and I hope the writing is getting better. Enjoy :) xx


It wasn't often that I met people that were taller than me. At 6'1, I was pretty tall. The only people I knew that were taller than me included Xavier, Ryder and Julian's older brother, and Anthony, one of Donald's lackeys. The man staring me down from the front door of Jaden's house was definitely taller than me.

It also wasn't often that I was intimidated by anyone. I liked to think that I was pretty muscly, and being muscly paired with my height generally meant that I was the one intimidating others. Not intentionally – just when it was necessary to protect Logan, or one of the other guys. As the biggest of the group, that job fell to me.

He looked like one of those strong and silent types – the type that walked down the street and had the crowd part for them. The type that everyone avoided because they figured that if they talked to him they'd get their teeth kicked in - The type that gets what they want, when they want it, without having to ask for it. It usually came hand in hand with a boatload of arrogance.

There was nothing this guy had done to make me think that he was disgustingly arrogant, it was more of the way that he had opened the door and just stared me down with air of expectation, arms crossed across a broad chest draped in a leather jacket as he waited silently for me to speak. It wasn't often that I disliked people on sight, but today must be my day for lots of new experiences.

"Is Logan here?" I asked, my eyes holding his defiantly. Full lips curved upwards into a small smile and those large shoulders lifted up into a shrug.

"Nope. Wrong house." He said, before stepping back into the house and letting the door fall shut. I scowled, stepping forward and placing my foot in the gap so it couldn't close. The man stiffened, drawing himself up to his full height, making me have to crane my head back to make eye-contact with him. There was no way I was leaving without answers, and it wouldn't surprise me if Logan told whoever this was to turn me away if I showed up.

"Did Logan tell you to say that?" I asked stiffly, and he stepped forward, eyes narrowed. In the back of my mind I realised that his eyes were mismatched, one hazel and one green.

"What are you? His crazy ex? I don't know who Logan is, but if you're upsetting him I'll happily kick your arse if you're that kind of douchebag." The man replied and I tensed, an angry flush making its way up my face. Did he just imply that I was harassing Logan?

"I'm not his ex!" I snapped. "I'm his friend! Is Jaden here?"

"He might be. What does someone like you want with my little brother?" The man said, glaring. Someone like me?

"Someone like me? What the fuck do you mean by someone like me?" I snapped, offended. The man smirked at me, running a hand through short dark hair.

"Someone like you. I'm pretty sure if your friend is hiding out at someone else's house, it means that they don't want to see you. You look like the type that would cheat. Is that why he's avoiding you?" The man taunted.

"No it's not, because we really are just friends," For now. "You don't know me, so how about you back off, yeah? Just because you've probably been cheated on doesn't mean you can tar everyone else with the same brush!" I said, angrily and the man stiffened, taking a step forward threateningly even as pain flashed in his mismatched eyes.

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