Chapter Eighteen

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I close my locker with a sigh, and start to head towards the cafeteria. I glanced around worriedly, looking for a sign of Luka. I hadn't seen him since he had left the group table in the cafeteria the day before. I hear a familiar voice as I walk past a classroom and have to do a double take. Peering in, I raise my eyebrows as I realise that Sebastian and Julian are having an argument. That never happens. I lean against the wall, settling in to eavesdrop.

"I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me." I hear Sebastian say.

"There's nothing to tell Sebastian! Drop it!" Julian snaps.

"That's not what Oliver said." Sebastian replied. "I'm your best friend. You should be able to tell me if you're dating someone."

"Oliver is clearly lying to get a rise out of you after you made yourself look like an idiot yesterday." Julian snapped again and I winced on behalf of Sebastian. Ouch. "But you know what Sebastian? If I did want to date someone, than I will."

"Jaden. Old buddy. How you been?" A voice said in my ear before a heavy arm was draped over my shoulders and I was plucked from my spot against the wall. I glanced up, stiffening as my eyes made contact with Don's. I glanced behind me and saw Anthony trailing behind us, our eyes met and he grimaced apologetically before looking away.

"Is it true?" Don asked, grinning.

"Is what true?" I asked cautiously.

"Are Chris and Logan getting married?" Jennifer asked, popping up out of nowhere at my side and making me jump in shock. Cold dread pooled in my stomach at the sight of her mocking grin.

"No." I replied carefully. "Where did you hear that?" Jennifer exchanged a long look with Don before smiling down at me.

"Todd told me of course. We're still so close, you know." She twisted her lips into something that almost resembled a smile. "In fact, we were talking the other night about how he's pretty much over this phase with his boy toy." She stated maliciously.

"I don't believe you." I said, yanking myself out of Don's grip. "You're just trying to cause trouble."

Jennifer shrugged, delicately looking at her fingernails. "You don't have to believe me. You'll see it for yourself when Todd and I get back together. He did have to beg before I'd even hear him out of course, you should have seen him on his -" I turned on my heel and strode away down the hallway, ignoring the laughter behind me.

As I walked past it, the bathroom door to the men's opened up and Jesse stepped out, rubbing his red eyes and sniffing. Our eyes made contact for a brief second before I was spinning away to find Todd, anger fuelling my steps.

I make a direct line to the cafeteria, shoving open the doors and glaring around the cafeteria until my eyes landed on Todd. I stormed up to him, giving him a shove and scowling when he barely moved.

"What the fuck Jaden?" Todd said grumpily as he turned around to face me.

"I can't believe this." I snapped at him. "I thought for sure that Jennifer was lying, but then Jesse was crying and -"

"Jesse was crying?" Todd interrupted me, looking towards the cafeteria doors anxiously.

"As if you didn't know." I snarled at him. Todd looked taken aback, glancing at Parker in confusion as Parker stood from his seat and joined us with a frown.

"I didn't know though...?" Todd started, his voice trailing off as his eyes narrowed at someone behind me.

"Yeah right." I scoffed at him. "I can't believe you told Jennifer and Don about Logan and Chris as well." Todd's gaze snapped back to me.

"I haven't told anyone anything." Todd snapped. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I suppose you want me to believe that you haven't broken up with Jesse to get back with Jennifer either? You're so full of shit." I snarled at him and Todd's mouth dropped open.

"Wait what? Jesse thinks I broke up with him?" Todd asked frantically, his eyes wide as he pushed past me and rushed out of the cafeteria. I let out a puff of air and turned around to walk off, stopping short as my eyes connected with Parkers', who was watching me with a small frown on his face.

"Come for a walk." Parker said abruptly before reaching out and grabbing my elbow, steering me out of the cafeteria. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I could feel a flush rising to my face at his close proximity. I took a deep breath, trying to hold on to my anger.

I frowned as I was pulled into an empty classroom and the door was shut behind us, closing us in. I swallowed, walking around a few of the desks to put a bit more distance between us, while Parker merely leaned against the teachers desk, his arms folded over his chest.

"Todd hasn't said anything to anyone. He also isn't dating Jennifer." Parker stated bluntly, frowning at me still. I scoffed, walking over to the window to look out to the school grounds. "Let me rephrase that. If Todd was going to tell anyone about anything, Ryder and I would know about it before Jennifer and Don did. They were trying to cause a fight."

"Then why was Jesse crying?" I challenged him, refusing to take my eyes from the school grounds. I could almost hear Parker shrug behind me.

"I don't know. Did you ask him?" Parker asked calmly and I froze, before turning to stare at him.

"I stuffed up didn't I?" I asked quietly and Parker studied me for a few seconds before shrugging.

"A little bit." Parker said honestly. "But you were being a good friend and looking out for Jesse, and Chris and Logan. That makes up for it a little bit." I sighed, turning to look at the school grounds again, resting my forehead against the cool glass.

"I'm an idiot." I muttered, and jumped as Parker suddenly appeared beside me, his shoulder leaning against the glass while he studied my face.

"You're not an idiot. You're loyal. There's nothing wrong with that." Parker said softly. "Provided you know when you've stuffed up and can fix it of course." My lips twisted in a self-deprecating smile as I considered his words, before shaking my head, straightening up and turning to look at him with a bright smile.

"You're right. I'm not good at staying angry anyway." I said with a laugh. Parker stared at me for a long second, before blinking and clearing his throat. He glanced away for a brief second before he straightened up and looked at me.

"Jaden. I wanted to ask-" We both jerked as the door slammed open and Oliver burst in.

"There you are Jaden! I'm lost again. Can you show me where biology is?" Oliver asked. I stared at him, a little taken aback.

"Uh sure?" I said, moving away from Parker.

"We still have fifteen minutes of lunch." Parker pointed out and Oliver shrugged.

"I like to get to class early." He replied cheerfully.

"What classroom are you in?" I asked, frowning.

"7B2? I think?" Oliver replied.

"Leave this room, turn right. Keep going straight until you get to the library. It's the first left after that. Easy." Parker replied and I nodded, before turning to hop onto one of the desks, planning to stay with Parker a little longer.

"You can't miss it." I said. Oliver stared at me for a few seconds before a coy smile appeared on his face. He took a few steps forward until he was standing directly in front of me. I swallowed heavily at the feeling of warm hands landing on my knees and a blush rose to my face as he gently pushed my legs apart and stepped into the gap. One of his hands covered mine on the desk, his fingers curling until he had a loose hold on my hand.

"I'd really like it if you showed me where it is Jaden."

"I-I-I d-d-on't... I-okay" I stammered, stumbling as he moved away from me and used the loose hold he had on my hand to pull me gently off the desk.

"Excellent. See you later Parker. Or maybe not." Oliver said with a smirk over my shoulder, before abruptly pulling me out the door. 

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