Chapter Eleven

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Here. Have another chapter. Sorry for taking so long with updates <3



My fingers tap nervously on the steering wheel of my car as I wait for the light to turn green. After Jesse dropped the bombshell of Logan's mother being in hospital on me last night I had driven home while trying to wrap my head around the news. I knew Logan and his mother hadn't been home for a while. The state of his house told me that. Half of me was saying to go see her at the hospital, while the other half was telling me that it wasn't true and that she wouldn't be there. It couldn't be true, because if it was, Logan would have told me.

I sat up all night, staring at the ceiling and arguing with myself before making the decision to just man up and go to the hospital. There was only two ways this could go. She wouldn't be there, or she would be. It was all making sense though. Logan lying and disappearing with Mrs Cooper in the hospital hallway that time I saw him when I went to visit Luka. The house. I just didn't understand why it needed to be a secret.

The light changed and I turned the corner, looking around for somewhere to park around the hospital. Spotting one, I pulled in quickly and got out of my car, hurrying inside the building towards the reception area. I flashed a quick smile at the older woman manning the desk as she looked at me over her glasses.

"Hello. I'm here to visit Michelle Moore. Can you please tell me what room she's in?" I said and held my breath as they woman smiled and typed on the computer in front of her.

"Ah, yes. Here she is. Terminal Ward, Room 23." I said a quick thank-you and headed towards the room I was told.

Stopping in front of the closed door, I took a deep breath before knocking quietly and waited for the signal to come in. I opened the door slowly and glanced in, smiling at the sight of Michelle lying on her side reading, a bright purple knitted beanie covering her head.

"Hi Mrs M." I said softly and Logan's mother looked up, smiling at me warmly.

"Christopher! I didn't think I was ever going to see you again." Michelle joked before coughing loudly. I winced, feeling both angry and disappointed in Logan.

"I hope you don't think that I didn't want to see you Mrs M." I replied quietly, leaning forward and taking one of her cold hands. Trying to convey how sorry I was for not coming in to visit without words. Michelle placed one her other hand on top of mine and squeezed gently.

"Oh Chris. Of course not, and stop calling me Mrs M. I know you only do it to get a rise out of me." Michelle said, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled at me. I grinned back at her shamelessly before my eyes dropped back down to our interlocked hands. A knock on the door had us both looking up as it opened and I stared as Logan came in. When did he start looking so tired?

"Hey Ma..." Logan started saying before his eyes landed on me and his jaw clicked shut and all of the colour drained out of his face.

"Hello Logan." I said pleasantly.

"Uh, hi Chris." Logan cleared his throat awkwardly. "What... uh...what are you doing here?"

"Didn't you tell him that I was here Lo? I thought you said you weren't ashamed of me being here." Michelle asked, confused. I saw Logan pale more before he rushed to her side taking the hand that she held out to him.

"Ma! I told you I wasn't ashamed. I did tell him you were here, didn't I Chris?" Logan asked emphatically, before looking at me with pleading eyes. I gritted my teeth before smiling down at Michelle. I hated lying, but I also couldn't say no to Logan when he looked at me like that.

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