Chapter Twenty

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Hey my lovelies. Have two updates this week because Merry Christmas. XO 

Also, it was recommended to me that Chapter Nineteen be placed under private as it has a little bit (although not a heap) of sexy times, to make sure that Wattpad has no reason at all to report my book and all that. I have taken this advice, so to be able to read the last chapter you do need to be following me. I think. I've never posted a chapter on private so I'm not 100% sure how it works, but I'm taking her word for it and assuming that she knows what she's doing. 

Happy holidays! <3 



I clenched my hands in my lap, my mind continuously running over what happened last night. Chris hadn't spoken a word to me since I had muttered those horrible words. He hadn't even looked at me. I could feel his disappointment and anger coming off him in waves. I don't know why I felt the need to tell him that I don't kiss my clients. While he was trying to kiss me and had his hand down my pants. What a stupid thing to say. Especially when I was trying to pretend that he wasn't a client.

I glanced at him briefly, turning my face away again when I saw that he was still staring forward with that stony expression. His face had been completely emotionless since he had pushed himself off me last night and locked himself in the bathroom. The silence in the room had been deafening, and for the first time since we've been friends, I woke up the next morning to find Chris sleeping on the floor. In the quiet of the morning as we were preparing to leave the hotel room I somehow got the courage to suggest he take the money back - and the resulting scathing glare I got in return was enough for me to stop talking and stay quiet.

I reached forward to turn the radio on to try and ease the horrible silence that was surrounding us. The upbeat music was barely on for more than two seconds before Chris reached out and turned it back off. I leaned back in my seat with a frustrated huff, lifting one hand and tugging at my seatbelt nervously.

"I really think you should take the money back -" I clamped my mouth shut and slid down my seat as an angry hiss escaped Chris and he slowly turned his head to glare at me before looking back at the road.

"Chris -" I started to argue and Chris shook his head, abruptly indicating to the left and moving into a turning lane. I frowned out the window, realising that we weren't heading home anymore. "Where -"

"I'm done arguing with you about the money." Chris stated, and I turned to stare at him as the tone of finality in those words sunk in.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. Chris ignored me as he turned another corner and I stared in horror as I recognised the road as one that lead to the hospital.

"If you won't listen to me, maybe you'll listen to your mother." Chris said grimly and I shook my head in horror as he pulled into the hospital carpark, before abruptly swinging into a park and getting out of the car.

"You can't tell her. She'll stress and get sicker!" I snapped and frantically fumbled with my seat buckle as Chris closed his door and walked towards the hospital entrance. I finally got out of the car and ran towards him. I gripped his arm and jerked his body around to face me.

"Don't tell her. Please." I croaked out, ignoring the way people walking past looked at us strangely. Chris's face softened and he reached out with one hand and gently cupped my cheek.

"Don't you think she has a right to know that her son is struggling?" He asked and I sniffed, blinking back tears that I refused to let out in front of him.

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