Chapter Five

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I cradled the toilet bowl, feeling utterly miserable as the roast I had eaten only hours before continued coming back up. The stomach cramps made me double over and I had to rush to lift my head back up to get the vomit in the actual toilet and not on the floor.

Tears leaked out of my eyes at the force of the heaves and I gagged, trying to control the vomiting so that I could make it as quiet as possible to avoid waking anyone in the house. I inhaled deeply through my nose, trying to stop my stomach from clenching and forcing any more food out of my body.

I kicked myself for my stupidity. For eating so much when my body was no longer used to it. I got greedy and this was my punishment. I lifted a shaky hand and wiped my eyes, waiting a few moments to see if anything else was going to come back up before pushing myself away from the toilet bowl, flushing the toilet and moving towards the sink.

Feeling guilty for going through things that weren't mine, I bent down to open the cupboard under the sink so I could have a look for a spare toothbrush. Searching through various items, I finally found a green toothbrush still in its packaging and opened it, vowing to buy a new one and replace it as soon as I had the chance – and the money.

Standing back up, I squeezed out some toothpaste from a tube I found onto my toothbrush and stuck it under the tap, wetting it. Then I vigorously brushed my teeth in an attempt to get rid of the disgusting taste and burning feeling in the back of my mouth. After brushing for what felt like ages and getting rid of the worst of it, I turned on the tap and bent down, gargling some cold water and then rinsing off the toothbrush. I put the toothpaste back in the cupboard and brought the toothbrush with me back to Brennan's room, placing it on my uniform to take back to my house in the morning. I couldn't leave it there. What if someone used it? How gross.

I walked quietly back over to the bed and crawled in, shivering and tucking my cold feet up as close to my body as I could. Pulling the blankets tight around me, I closed my eyes and comforted myself with the fantasy that the weight of the blankets was someone's arm tucked tightly around me. For a split second, the idea that it was Chris's arm popped into my head and I shook the thought away before falling into a fitful sleep, exhausted.

A ray of sunlight on my face woke me up the next morning and I blinked blearily, gazing around the unfamiliar room feeling disorientated. I closed my eyes and pulled the blankets up to cover my face as I remembered where I was and what happened, unwilling to get up and leave my warm bed and the bit of comfort that it was providing.

After a while I sighed and slid out of the bed, shivering in the cold room and pulling on the shirt that I discarded at some point during the night, reluctant to put my dirty work uniform back on. Yawning, I pulled the meagre amount of items I had shown up with together so I could carry them home easily and walked over to the bedroom door and pulled it open.

I walked down the hallway to Jaden's room and opened the door. Jaden's head poked up out of a pile of pillows and blankets and I smiled at the sight of his bed head, with strands sticking up all over the place. His head dropped back out of sight before it was jerked back up again, his eyes locked on my little pile of clothes to take with me.

"Are you going home?" Jaden croaked, lifting a hand and rubbing it over his face sleepily. I nodded.

"Yeah. I've got things to do. Thanks for letting me stay." I mumbled and Jaden mumbled something incoherently before dropping back down and I rolled my eyes, smiling at him fondly before leaving his room and making my way down to the front door. The house was empty aside from the two of us, so I was able to walk out without having to see anyone else.

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