Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

                Screeches of pain came from nursery. “She’s losing her strength!” Rainpaw squeaked to Leafwhisker from inside of the bramble thicket.

                “I noticed,” the RiverClan medicine cat grumbled.

                “Well, what are you going to do?” Rainpaw demanded.

                “There’s nothing we can do,” Leafwhisker replied. “It’s in the paws of StarClan now.”

                It was nighttime before the first kit arrived, a tiny flame-colored she-cat. “Will she be okay?” Salmonstorm asked nervously.

                “The kit seems fine,” Rainpaw answered. “But honestly, I’m not sure if Sandfur will make it.”

                The next one was a reddish-brown she-cat. “Tell Mosspool that I want the kits to be named Tawnykit and Cherrykit,” Sandfur groaned weakly.     

                And after that, her mother never spoke again. But meanwhile, Mosspool was sleeping in the warriors den, caring less than his Clanmates.

                Salmonstorm felt sadness and anger rise up within her. She marched in through the entrance in the stone wall and raked her claws across his back to wake the deputy up. “What was that for?” Mosspool spat crossly.

                “Do you even care that Sandfur is dead?” she hissed.

                The black-furred tom didn’t even seem upset and he didn’t answer her question. “Are the kits okay?” he asked as he slowly rose to his feet and leisurely padded out of the den.

                He casually stretched in the moonlight. Salmonstorm could hardly hide her fury. “Yes,” she growled. “Not that you’d care if they weren’t!”

                Mosspool entered the nursery. The red-furred she-cat wanted to wail in grief as she glimpsed her mother’s lifeless body. “How will they be fed?” the RiverClan deputy wondered.

                “I’ve agreed to take care of them,” Moonleaf, mother to Volekit and Thistlekit, who were two moons old, responded. “I’ve got plenty of milk to spare for now at least.”

                “I think this one should be named Firekit,” Mosspool meowed, nodding to the flame-colored she-cat. “And Russetkit is…”

                “Sandfur said she wanted the kits to be called Tawnykit and Cherrykit!” Rainpaw blurted out.

                Mosspool wrinkled his nose. “Tawnykit? Neither of them are tawny-colored!” he commented.

                “It’s my mother’s last wish,” Salmonstorm snarled. “You haven’t done anything for her except get her killed. Couldn’t you at least use the names she chose for her kits?”

                Mosspool glared at her with light green eyes but she didn’t flinch away. “Fine, but when every cat says they’re dumb names, don’t say I didn’t tell you so,” he growled.

                The light brown she-cat’s body was dragged out to the center of clearing and Salmonstorm went out to sit vigil. Hailcloud joined her. “Oh, Sandfur, I can’t believe you’re dead,” she whispered. “Now all of my family is dead except for me.”

                “Do I count as family?” Hailcloud asked.

                The red-furred she-cat shook her head. “Not in the same way,” she replied quietly.

                “Well, Tawnykit and Cherrykit have to count! You have two new sisters!” he tried to comfort her. “And if I were you, I’d play with them whenever I could find the time.”

                This lifted her spirits slightly.  “Half-sisters,” she corrected him.

                Hailcloud rolled his eyes and lowered his head. “Sandfur is with Foxkit and Breezetail in StarClan now,” he meowed. “She wouldn’t want you to be sad for very long. Actually, she probably wouldn’t want you to be sad at all.”

                I wish I had a real sister, but Foxkit is dead. Maybe if I get them to like me as kits, they’ll feel like sisters when they’re older as warriors. Or perhaps they’ll just be close friends, like Coldsnow.

                But when it was morning and she padded towards the warriors den to get some rest, she realized one thing that infuriated her. It was the fact that Mosspool had not come to sit vigil for Sandfur.

A/N: What do you think, my wonderful fans and readers? I've decided that my next Super Edition will be on Shadestar and I will announce the name in the next chapter! :) Also, I'll be going back to school tomorrow so I won't be able to update as often but I promise to try harder than last year! Believe me, I'm not going to make you wait a month for an update like I did with Crazystar's Battle, hopefully I won't even have to make you wait a week!

Anyhow, please comment and I hope you enjoyed the chapter(have I said this a billion times yet?)

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