Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

                It had been three days since Salmonpaw had heard Stonepaw and Crazypaw admit that they loved each other. But she pretended like she didn’t know when she went in to chat with the ThunderClan she-cat after training.

                “Salmonpaw!” Icewhisker called.

                Salmonpaw dashed over to where her mentor was waiting. “You did outstanding today when we were practicing hunting,” he began. “I think you should focus your efforts on battle training instead of hunting.”

                “Icewhisker, I’m a good hunter but are you sure I don’t need more training?” she asked.

                The white-furred tom nodded. “You’re as good as any warrior I’ve ever seen,” he replied.

                “Okay…well, thanks, I guess!” Salmonpaw meowed as she walked towards the fresh-kill pile and selected a fish to eat.

                Hailcloud settled down next to her. “Hey, do you mind if I eat with you?” he asked. “And then maybe go hunting after?”

                “I don’t mind at all,” she replied through a mouthful of fish. “And hunting sounds great.”

                They were soon done eating and they searched for Mosspool. The black-furred deputy was standing by the leaders den, talking with Troutstar. “Mosspool!” Hailcloud shouted and he turned his head towards them. “Can we go hunting together?”

                A gleam of amusement appeared in Mosspool’s green eyes. “Sure,” Mosspool purred. “Just make sure you actually hunt instead of talking the whole time.”

                As soon as they were out of Mosspool’s hearing range, Salmonpaw whispered, “What was that comment about?”

                Hailcloud didn’t answer. He leapt into the stream and swam across. Salmonpaw sighed and followed.

                Hailcloud led Salmonpaw to the part of the river near the Leafy Oak and sat down. By sundown, they were ready to return to camp and she couldn’t help but notice that she’d caught more than the dark brown tom. “Icewhisker loves you,” he blurted out suddenly.

                Salmonpaw could tell he wished he hadn’t said that. “What?” she demanded, dropping her prey.

                “Um, my brother loves you,” Hailcloud repeated.

                My mentor does not love me! But somehow, she knew Hailcloud was telling the truth. “Why in StarClan’s name did you mention that?” she asked.

                He took a deep breath and looked at her. For a moment, Salmonpaw thought she was going to melt in his sparkling green eyes. “Because I feel the same way,” he responded.

                Icewhisker was kind and gentle. But Hailcloud was playful and fun while still being caring at the same time.  They’re both nice…but if I had to choose, I think Hailcloud is right for me. Besides, Icewhisker isn’t as handsome as Hailcloud. I like Icewhisker, but I love Hailcloud. “I’m too young to love any cat,” she tried to tell herself.

                She felt warm breath against her ear. “I disagree,” he whispered before marching away.

                She sat there for a while without moving, thinking about what he said. Finally, she shook her head and returned to camp only to see a crowd gathered around her friend, Rainpaw.

                Salmonpaw couldn’t tell at first…but then she realized they weren’t there for anything good. Rainpaw’s right hindleg had a massive gash in it and was twisted the wrong way. Her friend appeared to be unconscious. Leafwhisker was examining her and wasn’t looking happy. “Dawnshine!” he snapped to his former mentor. “Get some cobwebs and marigold!”

                Dawnshine didn’t mention the fact that she was no longer a medicine cat. She simply went and retrieved the requested herbs.

                “Do those two apprentices know what’s happening?” Leafwhisker asked as he chewed the marigold into a paste.

                “No,” Dawnshine replied. “They’re still asleep.”

                “Will she be okay?” Salmonpaw meowed worriedly.

                The medicine cat looked up. “Depends on what you mean by okay,” he answered. “Yes, she’ll live. But whether she’ll be able to walk properly again? That’s another question.”

                “She has to be a warrior!” Salmonpaw protested.

                Hailcloud walked over. “It’s okay,” he tried to comfort her.

                “No, it’s not okay,” she grumbled.

                “She’ll be fine,” Hailcloud responded.

                I have a feeling that’s a lie, judging by the expression on Leafwhisker’s face right now.

A/N: Believe me, I feel really bad for not updating for so long. So I promise to get at least one more chapter done today, possibly more! :) Sorry for the billionth cliffhanger in this book and hope you enjoyed!

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