Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

                A half-moon had passed since the Gathering. Aspenpaw had passed her second assessment, which she took only three days ago, and was now known as Aspenleaf. Amberstorm’s kits, Ravenpaw and Grasspaw, were apprentices, meaning Volekit and Thistlekit were the only kits in the nursery.

                Salmonstorm was sharing a fish with Coldsnow in the shade of the RiverTree when Grasspaw suddenly appeared on the other side of the stream, fresh blood dripping down the right side of her face. “ShadowClan ambushed our patrol! Shadestar said that they wouldn’t leave until we agreed to give them the Greenleaf Twolegplace and every bit of land all the way back to the Great Pine! Please help us!” she shouted.

                The red-furred she-cat knew the patrol also included Silvershine, Owlfeather, Hollystorm, and Brightflame. “Salmonstorm, Blizzardfrost, Marshcloud, Flowerfur, Ripplecloud, Seedstorm, Mosspool, Reedsplash, Coldsnow, and Falconflight, come with me to defend our borders,” Troutstar growled. “Grasspaw, stay here and let Leafwhisker and Rainpaw take care of you!”

                Salmonstorm’s friend was right beside her as the patrol raced out of camp to rescue their Clanmates. When they arrived, the ShadowClan cats most certainly outnumbered the RiverClan warriors, having at least three times as many cats. All of the cats fighting for her Clan were badly wounded and seemed relieved when they glimpsed Troutstar leading more warriors to help them. “RiverClan, attack!” she yowled, leaping into battle.

                 The opponent the RiverClan leader attacked was Shadestar. Salmonstorm tackled a young warrior named Brackenclaw while Coldsnow charged towards his sister, Ivywhisker, who was ShadowClan’s deputy.

                It was an easy battle for Salmonstorm, definitely much simpler than fighting Marshcloud or Flowerfur. Because ShadowClan isn’t as smart as us. ShadowClan is the dumbest, greediest Clan in the forest. Their battle moves most certainly won’t be as complicated as those belonging to RiverClan!

                She soon had Brackenclaw pinned to the ground and raked her claws across his soft belly a few times. She then released him and watched him flee.

                But Coldsnow wasn’t having such an easy time with Ivywhisker. Apparently, the she-cat wasn’t made deputy for nothing. Salmonstorm rushed over to help her friend and even Ivywhisker couldn’t handle two opponents at once. The ShadowClan deputy eventually admitted defeat, casting one last look over her shoulder as she dashed away from the scene.

                Shadestar looked frustrated as he watched the majority of his warriors leave as they were beaten by RiverClan. “ShadowClan, retreat!” he snarled at last.

                Troutstar relaxed and nodded to her warriors. Salmonstorm understood that it meant to allow the ShadowClan cats to flee. “Remember me with this, though!” he laughed as he sliced his claws across a surprised Troutstar’s throat.

                The flame-colored she-cat collapsed to the ground and Shadestar hurried off before any RiverClan warriors could attack him. She’s only lost a life, I’m pretty certain it isn’t her last. But how could Shadestar dare to do such a thing? And another dead body laid on the ground. It was Salmonstorm’s older brother, Ripplecloud.


                When they returned to camp, they found most cats gathered around the nursery. “What’s happening?” Salmonstorm asked Rainpaw.

                Rainpaw hardly looked up as she carried a mouthful of herbs into the nursery. “Sandfur is kitting,” she muttered.

                “What?” Salmonstorm screeched. “It’s way too early!”

                Rainpaw nodded. “Let’s beg StarClan that she’ll be okay.”

A/N: What do you think'll happen and what do you think the kits will be named(if they live that is >:D) Hope you enjoyed as always and please let me know what you think!

Oh and who should the next cat I do a Super Edition about be? It can be anyone mentioned in these three books as long as it isn't a ThunderClan cat! :)

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