Chapter 27

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"Well maybe we should take him to the Doctor" Dallas says concerned
"Well i cant just leave my friends here to pack everything" Aubree says
"Aubree just go with him he is going to need your help more than we will" Lexi says
"But I haven't been here all day to help you guys and i would feel bad if you guys packed everything and I didn't do anything" Aubree says
"Aubree we don't have to get everything packed today and moved into the house today" Taniah adds
"Okay well maybe I can call one of my brothers friends mom to see if she can get us in and out in no time" Aubree says as she starts looking for her phone

Aubree calls one of her brothers friends mom and goes into another room. Lexi, Taniah, and Dallas are all standing in the living room when
Lexi says "Okay so Peter really isn't sick we put a hot rag on his head and gave him some sleepy medicine while you guys were gone, and I already called her brothers friends mom and she said she will come up with a fake diagnoses and will tell you guys to go get him some frozen yogurt, then when you guys are going to get frozen yogurt you should go to Berry's Froyo it's Aubree's favorite"
"oh my gosh that's a relief i really thought he was sick but do we need to take her younger brothers and Sofia?" Dallas asks
"Well we will ask them when she gets back in here" Taniah says

Aubree walks back into the living room, and they all casually back away from Dallas.

The three children come running into the living room.

"Sofia what did I tell you about running in houses" Dallas says
"...That...I.." Sofia starts to say
"Dallas its okay if she runs there really isn't anything in her that's breakable" Aubree says

Sofia runs to Aubree and holds onto her legs and starts to cry into her shirt.

"Okay Dallas and I are going to take Peter to the Doctor do you guys want to go with us or stay here with Taniah and Lexi?" Aubree says as she crouches down the the kids level
"STAY" they all say

Aubree and Dallas start towards the door when Lexi says "You kids don't go to crazy, and Dallas have her back before dark" Aubree turns around and gives Lexi a death stare. They get to Dallas's truck and Aubree puts Peter in the car and then hops in the front. She looks around the car and surprisingly its clean. They get to the Doctors office and Dallas gets Peter out of the car and Aubree holds the door open for them. They sit in the waiting room for about 15 minutes when a nurse calls Peters name. They all walk into the back if the office. As soon as they got back there, Mrs. Williams came in and did all the doctor stuff, she walked out of the room and went to the nurses station gets a pen and paper. She comes back into the room and starts to tell us what's wrong with Peter.
"Ok well he has strep throat, so what I would suggest is that you take him to go get frozen yogurt" Mrs. Williams says
"Really frozen yogurt" Aubree asks
"Yeah you've never done that before?" Dallas chimes in

They leave the doctors office and start to go to Berry's Froyo.
"Wait are you going to Berry's Froyo?" Aubree asks
"Yeah it's my favorite" Dallas says
"Really since when?" Aubree asks
"Ever since I was a kid"

Something strange is going on everyone around me is acting strange, like when I left the room to call Mrs. Williams. When I came back they 'casually started to walk around and do things but I acted like I didn't notice.

They get to Berry's Froyo and Aubree got Peter out while Dallas went to the bathroom. Aubree and Peter get inside and Aubree let Peter pick out what ever kind he wanted and whatever size he wanted. Dallas came out of the bathroom and got a small cup and didn't put much in the cup. They paid and sat down to eat at an outside table.
"So what's your favorite movie" Dallas asks
"Well there is this movie called Miracles From Heaven"
"That sounds like a sad movie, how about we watch it tonight just me and you, no kids"
"Who would watch them?"
"Well what about your friends watch them?"
"I don't know I hate to leave them with all the kids"
They sat there in silence for a little while.
"Oh man, on my favorite shirt too"
"Hey um Aubree you know you have a little something on your shirt"
"Yeah I know, I will be right back" she runs to the bathroom and pulls out her phone.

A- Lexi I spilt Froyo on my shirt what do I do
L- Take off ur shirt and wet a paper towel and dab the spot that has Froyo on it
A- It's making it worse
L- Be there in a sec
A- Don't let him see you

A couple minutes later Lexi and rushes to the bathroom.

"Okay I have a shirt that shows too much cleavage, a crop top, a blue sweater, and a plain white t-shirt, choose one"
"Just give me the blue sweater and take the shirt and scarf home, gosh he probably thinks I'm a cluts, wait how did you know where I was, I only told you that we were eating Froyo"

She waited but didn't hear a response. Little did she know that Lexi left.
"Alexis, don't make me use your middle name, you better answer me right now"
She comes out of the stall and realizes she's all alone. She goes back out to the table and finishes her Froyo.
"Aubree when did you change"
"When I spilt Froyo on my shirt"
"Oh are you ready to leave Peter"
He didn't respond with anything he just looked at Aubree and put his hands up. They leave and go back to the treehouse.

Hey you guys thanks so much for all the views, please continue to like and comment. Also share with your friends so this book can reach 400 views. I know you guys are anxious for the proposal and all but that will be in either the next chapter or the next two chapters.
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