tantrum queen

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"So tell me... what is he doing here and how do you all know him ? " asked nandini

"Well...ummm...nandini....actually"cabir was stammering while thinking what to answer

"Yeah come on....say it cabir... why are u stammering so much..as If I have given some murder mystery to solve" she asked sarcastically

"Ohh no no not like that....its just that I was thinking how to explain" said cabir

"Lemme explain" said manik while looking at nandini

"Yeah shoot" nandini also looked at him and found something weird in his eyes...what was it ? Pain ? Or love? Or something else..? Dun knw

"Firstly you know that I am MM but you dont know that I am the owner of music company....so cabir and I have a good bonding...because he was finding sponsors for his album....band album....so yeah we became friends....he told me about your condition...and he told me that you are my biggest fan and it might help in your recovery so yeah I just came to see you" said manik...while twisting the situation a little but mostly what he said was the reality of past

Nandini gaped at him....and then she asked something which shocked manik and others

"you were the one? I was holding your hand when I came back in my senses?" She asked being curious to know something

"Yeah...actually...cabir told me that you responded on my song so I was singing and I dont know how I caught hold of ur hand" said manik avoiding her gaze..he was trying to be reasonable enough

"It means that was you ?" Said nandini in a lost state

"Means?" Asked mukti

"Actually I remember a little that when I was in coma...there was all darkness around...I was fighting with it...I was hearing sounds but wasn't recognizing the people behind the voice...but then I heard one voice which shook me to the core....and my heart bleeds listening the voice...I cried then again I was in darkness..then when I was fighting with my darkness I again heard the same voice....I saw the light...and there was one person in the light...who offers me his hand and I hold it and then he pulled me outside the darkness...thats when I opened my eyes....and I was holding Manik's hand" nandini said everything which she was experiencing when she was in coma....and when she was done she saw everyone's face was blank except for one...yeah it was manik's.....he was not only crying but the happiness in his eyes was clearly visible...but nandini didn't understand it.....and manik without giving a second thought pulled her into a tight hug

Nandini didn't understand what is the feeling ...but she was feeling content and peacefull....she hold him back thats when manik realized his mistake and move apart from her...and starts looking here and there to avoid eye contact with nandini

"Actually...sorry...thats just" manik was explaining when nandini stops him in between with her question

"Who are you?" Asked nandini...while manik ws shocked first then answer her

"I am Manik" said manik

"I know that....but why I am feeling like there is something which is hidden from me....and which is important for me to know" she said...her mind was getting confused with her heart's feelings.

"No...we hardly know each other....its just that...you relate to me by my songs...thats why you are feeling too affected.." said manik trying to control his urge of crying right there...its so painfull to control his desire to tell her that he loves her..and he wants her to be with him forever

"Yeah maybe" she said while shrugging her shoulder a little

"Nandini, are you done with your twenty questions?" Asked irritated navya

"Umm yeah navya...but.." she was about to say something when navya puts her hand on nandini's mouth

"Ssshh...take rest ok...dont stress yourself...everything will be ok...we will be right back and will take you home and for ur kind info you are living with us...not in ur appartment...is that clear?" Said navya politely but lastly she stated in a stern voice

"But navya why your appartment....I mean I am fit now so I can stay at my place" she said with a pout

"Yeah we know that...you just have to listen to us nandu...dont you think ur blabbering is done for today...so just keep ur mouth shut and be ready u r coming with us in our house ok" said cabir

"What cabir...lemme speak...I was mum from 3 years....it was a long time....and you are telling me to shutup....say it you were not missing my voice and my presence and not to forget ny stupid tantrums" she said with a sad pout

All's eyes filled with tears...how hard these 2 year was...was only known to them...and she was asking that they didn't miss her...if she would have known that how much they missed her...she wouldnt have taken so much time to come back

"nautanki...I know you want a grp hug...then ask for it...why doing drama" said abhimanyu wiping his tears and smiled

She nodded like a child and open her arms

And they all shared a grp hug excluding manik and mukti who were admiring their friendship...finally the fantastic4 is back

"Ok if you are done nandu with ur tantrums so can we go now and get ur discharge paper or would u like to spend one more day here" said cabir in a naughty way

"No no...you go fast I dont want to spend a single moment here...no not more.....go fast what are you waiting for...you wasted so much time cabir..." said nandini angrily

"And our nandu is back" said navya laughing

"yo navya" said abhimanyu copying navya's style and all laughed

Manik who was watching their little family moment...after they left he also realized that he have to leave now

"So I should take a leave then....take care nandini...will come to see you at cabir's place once u got discharged" he said with a forced smile and gets up to go...mukti also bids her gud bye and left....and he was about to leave when

"Manik" she called him

"Yes?" he turned around and asked

"Thank you" she said and smile

His heart miss a beat after watching her angellic smile he also smiled

"Your welcome...but why you are thanking me ? It was ur frndz who brought me here" he said sounding casual

"Yeah...I know they did the wonder....but I know it was you who pulled me out from that darkness....I owe you this...and you can ask anything from me...because nandini murthy never takes favors" she said with a smile and a bit of attitude which was her famous expression

"Ok....If I will ask for something then you will give me?" He asked in a serious tone

"Yeah...try me" she said casually

"Marry me" he asked suddenly

Nandini's mouth fell open after hearing his demand...she wasn't able to react for a moment and then she reacted and it was manik's turn to get shocked

"Yes,I am ready" she said with a confident and a smirk

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

So so so another update
So how was it did u like it?
So guys tell me am I going too slow is this story is getting boring kya ?
Do comment and tell me about this chappy...❤ I m getting not much response but I knw thats bcoz of exams session so its ok but who r free do comment 😆😆😆
Those who r having their exams all the best for ur exams ❤
Ok thnx bye

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