aryaman's girlfriend

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Guys before reading this part I am just telling you that trust your writer ok I wont disappoint you😊 and after this part dont think to kill me ok 🙈🙈🙈 and now I am running to save my enjoy 😂😂😂

Nandini hugs manik tightly and closes her eyes to feel him....she was smiling while holding him

"Manik I missed you so much..." she said still her eyes reponse from manik

Suddenly she felt like someone pulling manik away from her....she starts panicking and holds him more tightly

But the person was continuously pulling him away from her...she instantly open her eyes and what she found next made ger dumbstruck

"Hey plz give me my ball back" the boy whose ball hits nandini before was pulling his ball from nandini's hand

It was a ball whom she thinks as a manik...and she was hugging a ball thinking it to be manik smiling like an idiot

She instantly gives that ball to that kid...and the kid goes from there after giving weird looks to nandini...while nandini was lost

"So it was all my are not here....but why I felt your presence here manik....why destiny is playing cruel games with me...." she cries by holding her head between her palms

Just then her mobile rings...she avoided but thought what if its about manik so she answered

"Hello" she said

"Hello is this nandini murthy?" Asked the other person

"Yes? May I know who is this ? " she asked...the erson answers

Then after that she ran from that place to somewhere where that person told her to come

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
("In last chappy manik's point of view was not nandini's imagination it was actually the dont get confused nandini only imagines manik saving her")

Manik was sitting on a beach...thinking about his life...nandini

"I know nandini I did wrong...I know you love me....I know you wanted me to be with you...but how can I be so selfish....I love you nandini and I cant see you in pain because of me or anyone related to me.....I choose to leave you but I left my heart over there with you....I will always love you nandini but I cant come back....I want you to move on....bcoz my existence will only give pain to you" thought manik....he loves nandini enough to let her go to live her life happily....deep inside he was hurt also that nandini chooses her revenge over him....he knows nandini loves him but he also knows that nandini hates his parents more then she loves him....thats the thing which was stopping him to go back to nandini

he was feeling suffocated at this peacefull place also so he thought to leave

He turns and saw a familiar figure running outside the beach

"Nandini" he gasped in shock

"No it cant be can no maybe I am imagining" he said to himself and looked at the direction where he saw nandini sometimes one was there now

"It was my imagination" he said and left to his new house

He was on the way when he got a call from aryaman

A smile appeared on his lips

"Hey buddy...whats up" he asked cheerfully

"Hey finally bro you picked up my call...and I am ok...what about you" aryaman asked in his chirpy voice in a one go

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