dream or reality ?

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So I am ready with 2 bodyguards because after reading this part many of you will try to kill me so beware I have body guards now 👬 two bodyguards 😎😎😜😜
No proofreading has done so any mistakes kindly ignore ☺☺☺

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"Who are you....where is manik" nandini stated looking here and there...the person starts laughing

"Come on nandini manik is not here so stop pretending" the person said and nandini sighed

"Maddy.....what are you doing here and where is manik" she asked with little confusion

"Manik is safe ooppps I mean unsafe with me....let me put it in a proper way I have kidnapped him" he said and nandini looked at him with shock

"What...why ?...what the hell" she shouted on him on which maddy acted her to calm down

"You know what I mean....I want to kill him...and you said you will help me in this" he said in rage and nandini's facial turns into stern

"No you cant kill him" she said and he looked at her amazed

"What ?....you are saying this....you only wanted that...you wanted revenge for your parents death right ?" He asked being confused

"Yes I want revenge thats why you wont kill him....I will kill him by my self....he is my target so dont you dare touch him...not a scratch on him" she said furiously

"Haha sorry nandu...but he is being beaten very badly by my goons....I guess he is unconcious from about 3 hours" he stated and nandini gasped

"Maddy...I wont tolerate this behaviour of yours...I want manik...so tell me where he is....otherwise I will get him by hook or by crook with my sources" she said angrily and maddy looked at her

"Did you fallen in love with him again?" He asked on which she stared at him

"Never.....I was just playing along"she said and he sighed

"Ok fine in the evening at the cliff I will get him there" he said and left

"Nandini...I hope you remember your revenge right ?" He asked before leaving and she nodded and he left finally

"God whats wrong with him...why he is interfeiring in my revenge" nandini shouted and thought of the past meet with maddy


"Nandini" nandini heard a voice from behind she turns and found one person

"Yes ?" She asked

"I am madhyam singhaniya...maddy" he said and she was shocked

"What do you want" she asked

"Nandini I know you are playing revenge game with manik...and I want to help you" he said and she nodded

"How ?" She asked

"I will help you in killing him" he said and nandini looked at him keenly

"But why will you kill him? And Why you are helping me in my revenge ?" She asked

"I will tell you about it after killing him" he said with an evil smirk and left

"What was that?" She said in confused tone

Flashback ends

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"Nandini...where are you going" navya asked as she and cabir came to receive her

"Nothing guys you carry on...I have work" she said and left leaving confused cavya behind

"What happen to her" navya asked

"Maybe something important lets leave we have to prepare surprise for them" cabir said and navya nodded

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At the cliff

Nandini reached at the cliff and saw manik and maddy already present there...maddy was holding manik's collar to make him steady

Manik was standing with a great difficulty....his eyes were swollen...seems like he is being beated very badly....and he is going to faint again in a moment or so

"Manik" nandini said

As soon he heard her voice his eyes shot open which were closing....he blinked to clear the view and he saw nandini standing infront of him

"Nandini" he said and tears starts brimming in his eyes but nandini's expressions were stern which confuses him

"Maddy.....dont" she shouted as maddy punched him

Manik smiled but soon his smiled vanished as he heard her next statement

"I will do the honour...." she said with a smirk and walk slowly towards them

Manik was looking at her in shock and she reached near maddy and forwarded her hand

Maddy who was holding a stick and a gun....holded her the stick

"I am sorry manik" she said with a fake sad pout and then laugh evilly

Then next moment manik shouted in pain as he heard a bang on his head and it starts getting heavy....nandini hitted him on his head with the stick...he was shock he was in pain

He with difficulty tries to open his eyes...and he saw nandini's smiling face and a smile appeard on his face before slipping in the darkness

"Nandini" he shouted and open his eyes.....he stares at the ceiling fan...."was it a dream?? " he thought

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"Navya all preparations are done ?" Cabir asked

"Yes almost" she said and smiled

"Wow its looking amazing...manik andn nandini will surely like it....lets go and call them" cabir said and trying to call nandini but it was switched off

"Nandini's mobile is switched off" he said in a tense voice

"Try on manik's number na...maybe they are together" said navya

"Ohh yeah...lemme try" cabir said and was about to call when his mobile starts ringing showing it manik's number

"See manik ka naam liya aur uska call aagaya" he said and smiled

"Yes say I was about to call you....where are you and nandini we are waiting for you" he said without letting him speak

"Cabir?" He asked his voice sounded different

"Yes ? What happen ?" He asked being confused

And what he hear next was enough to shock him

"Yeah we are coming" he said and rush towards his car along with navya

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Sory for the short one as I can write this much only in hurry 😕😕😕
Confused ????...😂😂😂 dont worry the next chappy will be the bigger one and will try to post it soon 😊😊
Before that dont forget to share your reviews ☺☺☺

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