In your arms

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Soon it will be 50k reads....thank you so much guys for loving and supporting this story so its a special 50k post for all my lovely readers...I love you all ❤❤❤
Enjoy reading

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Manik was walking on the isolated road exhausted....he was not in his senses....he lost his balance and fell on the road with a thud....he heard a car stop behind him....he tries to look at the person coming out of the car but his vision got blurred and he passed out on the road

"Ohhh shit parth" exclaimed soha coming out of her car

"Dad help me to get him in" soha said to his dad who is manik's boss also

"What happened to him" soha's dad asked in concern

"I think he is drunk" said soha checking him for any injury

"Strange as I have never seen him drink ever....since he started working in our bar....I have noticed him...he is a nice guy so ?" He asked in confusion

"Come on dad you can ask these questions later on we need to help him..." said soha irritated with her father's question

"Ok wait" her father helps manik to get in the car

Soha's dad sit with the manik on the back seat while soha drives the car

"Do you know where he stays?" Asked soha's dad

"Yeah I know....he told me once" said soha while driving

"Ohk.." said her dad

" he is mumbling something" his dad said coz he was behind with manik and soha was driving so she didn't hear him

"What he is saying" asked soha impatiently

"Wait" said her dad

"Nandini....I am sorry nandini....I am sorry....dont leave me....I love you nandini" he was mumbling...he was totally out of his senses

"Dad....what he said" asked soha

"He is calling nandini....and telling her not to leave and that he loves her" said soha's dad which shocked soha

"So its nandini" she mumbled lost

"What?' Her dad asked

"Nothing dad we are almost here" she said while parking her car near one small house....where manik was living on rent

They both helped manik to get in and lay him on his bed

"Dad...we cant leave him alone in this condition" said soha while looking at his face

"But soha....we have a meeting to attend...we cant stay here...and look this place is so small I feel suffocated" said her dad in attitude watching soha's concern for manik

"Dad but I cant leave him like this....he needs someone....and" soha was about to say something when she hear a girl's voice

Soha and her dad looked at the door and found one girl standing there with two boys

"You dont need to worry about him we are here for him" said the girl

"Who are you" soha snapped at her confused

"Nandini murthy....maa...." she stopped "parth's frnd" she completed

"Nandini" soha takes her name and remembers something

She looked at nandini from head to toe

"Fine" she said and left from there with her dad


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