star and the darkness

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He was looking here and there to locate nandini but what he saw next made him baffled

He saw nandini hanging from the window of her room... he gets horrified

"Nandini" he shouted and ran towards her

"Manik....." she said with difficulty as it was getting difficult for her to hold on

"Nandini dont worry...I am here na" he said and holds her hand

With a great difficulty he pulls her up and finally she was in his arms

He engulfed her more into himself to make him self believe that she is safe and ok now while nandini's tears were not stopping

"Nandini" he tries to break the hug but she clinged more onto him

"Manik" she said between her sobs

"Nandini look at me...." he said and cupped her face and she looked at him

"Nandini as long as I am with you...I will never let anythig happen to you" he said and kissed her forehead while she closed her eyes feeling the warmth of his love

"Manik...I know I am the safest when I am with you" she confessed and he smiled

She tiptoed and tries to reach his level...he bent down a little

She cupped his face and kissed his forehead and he smiles

She then kiss slightly on his lips but he cupped her face and kissed her passionately

She then kiss slightly on his lips but he cupped her face and kissed her passionately

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" it happened ?" Manik asked after the kiss

"Wo I was running....and something like skate or something was placed here and I slip on that...I dont know how I landed on the window but it was horrible" she said and he looked at her with amused expression

"What ? are finding it funny" she asked him with anger and he starts laughing

"Haha seriously....tum slip hoke direct window pe pahoch gayi....its funny" manik said and nandini got angry and punch him

"Oww ouch....what was that for" he asked still laughing

"You are so mean manik...ek to I was about to fall....and you are laughing on how I landed there" she said with a pout on which he pulled her cheeks

"Aww nandini you are shoo cute.." he said in a childish way and starts laughing and nandini also smiles watching his laugh

After sometime

" much time you will take in bathroom" manik asked

"Coming manik.....just a minute" she replied

"Yeah right....from half an hour you are saying this" he stated irritated and she laughs

"Haan laugh as much as you want but when you will come out na then I will punish you in my way" he said in a naughty way

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