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Dedicated to : NJyothsna

Nandini you dont know how much happy I will be ok....I will get all the songs of your rockstar MM....then...then you will be will be fine....I just cant explain....I am so happy...cabir said all this in an excited voice

Wait lemme tell this good news to abhi and navya and then will get your rockstar's collection....ok angel I will be back so take care...and dun worry I will be back soon....cabir patted her head and left

He was busy in his phone when he bumped into someone and his phone slip from his hand

He bends down and pick his phone...then he heared a familiar voice calling his name he got shocked and look at the person and utter in surprise


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Manik and mukti takes the kid to the nearest hospital....mukti and the staff move with that boy to the doctor...after filling the forms manik was also going there when suddenly he bumps into someone....and when he notice....that person was cabir

Cabir....he said in a shock

Manik.....the response was also similar

Cabir what are you doing here bro....all ok.....who is here....your relative o frnd????......he said in one breath dont know why from the time he enters in this hospital he was feeling restless

Manik...wo.....kesa hai tu yaar...cabir said and hugs manik while manik also hugs him back tightly.....cabur was like brother to him....

I am ok but what are you doing here?....I called you last night to tell you that I am coming but you didn't recieve...were you here?...manik asked out of curiosity

(Yes they both were in contact from last 2 years...)

Wo manik I want to tell you something which I was Hiding from you but now you are here so I think I should tell you about this.....he said in a one breathe

Manik was now feeling more restles....what he was hiding and who is here in this hospital..

Manik...are you listening....cabir said while shaking manik's shoulder a little

Umm...yeah...I am listening....what you want to say....what you were hiding from me....manik asked and was waiting for cabir's rply

Cabir just nodded and then he hold manik's hand...and nodded to come with him

Manik was walking besides cabir when he enter in one pvt room....his heartbeat was increasing bit by bit....there was a patient laying on the bed....face was not visible because cabir was in between....manik tries to peek from cabir's side and saw the persons face....and what he saw next was enough to make him stun on his place.....he was standing lifeless....he saw his nandini....his nandini was on bed....his life was lying lifeless infront of his eyes....tears starts flowing from his eyes....

He tremble and was about to fall when cabir hold him by his shoulder... ko......he stammers because of pain

Nandini is in coma.....said cabir and took a pause for a sec.....from last 2 years

Now this time manik fall on his knees....she was in coma from last 2 years.....his love was in so much pain and he didn't had any idea about it.....he cursed himself...and was crying very bitterly....while cabir sat and hold his shoulder

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