his side of story

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I know you all are excited to know the past how and what happened...so dont worry I will explain everything☺☺

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Aryaman hugs nandini tightly and let go of her and watch her face with a smile on his face

"Nandini you are...alive" he said and tears of happiness falls from his eyes

"You should meet everyone too" with that aryaman dragged her towards manik's house without letting her speak

He enters the house with nandini and everyone looks at her with shock

"Nandini" first was navya to hug her then after that cabir nyonika mukti and raj everyone hugs her but she didn't say anything

"Are you ok?" Navya asked

"I am tired" she said without looking at anyone

Nyonika gestures navya to take her to the manik's room...she nodded

She and nandini enters manik's room.

"Nandu you are ok right?" Navya asked in a concerned voice

She smiles and nodded in yes then navya left

She stands upand walks slowly towards the balcony

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Manik was looking at the sky as he sat on his car's bonut...thinking about how his life has taken a 360 degree turn...but he ws happy

Manik's point of view

After promising the old man...I was in deep thought of what to do

And then I talked to aryaman and I partially agreed but deep inside I was feeling guilty.. that I am giving my nandini's place to someone else...though aryaman explained me everything but still I was guilty

Soon after all the procedures are done I take old man to his house as per the info

After stepping into the house I was feeling anxious and nervous....whats gonna happen now

Suddenly I heard a voice....a voice which was so similar that it stops my heartbeat for a second....I suddenly looks up but there was no one but after sometimes I hear some foot steps so I look up

I was frozen on my place....saying that I was stunned will be understatement....the girl came ranting but her eyes widen and her mouth open when she saw the old man lying there covering in white clothes...she started mourning over his death and my heart was mourning on her pain

I never saw someone as beautifull as her....because to my eyes there was no one is as beautifull as my nandini

Yes she is my nandini...my nandini who was dead for me probably few hours ago but now she was right infront of my eyes....alive

My hearts starts beating as he got his heartbeat back....I cant explain how was I feeling....then I saw her crying and I hold her shoulders

She crashed in my arms giving much needed peace to my heart....I engulf her in my embrace....as if telling her that I will never let her go again...as I was feeling content after ages....but she fainted in my arms....after tucking her neatly in her bed I left for the rituals of the old man

There was several things running in my mind....how she landed there with the old man...and if the old man was aware of her being my nandini then why he hid it from me...and when he was going to die why he makes me promise to marry his daughter which was nandini

I was confused...deep inside I was fighting with my inner thoughts...but the answers to all my question was with nandini...

As deep inside I know something is wrong....something is wrong with her so I thought of dealing her in my way....I told her that her baba wanted me to marry her and I forcefully get married with her...she was protesting and pretending as if she dont know me

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