he is hard nut to crack

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Nandini was sitting on the beach crying...itcwas her dream...it wasn't manik...she waz busy in crying...when she recieved a call

"Hello" she asked

"Hello...nandini murthy" the person asked

"Yes" she said

"Aryamann speaking" aryamann said

"Aryamann.."she uttered in confusion..then she remembers

"Nandini....I want to tell you something about manik...can you come to the bar...quickly" said aryamann

"Ofcourse I am coming" said nandini and ran from there.

She got inside her car and in no time she reached the bar

She enters the bar...panting heavily...just then she spotted aryamann with cabir...she ran towards them

"Yes what is it ?...do you know manik....why didn't you tell me earlier....where is he now...is he here?....is he ok...come on say something" She asked all the question in one go

"Nandini breathe" said aryaman while handling the glass of water to her...she took a deep breath and drink the water after that she was about to start her question again when aryaman stops her in between

"I know you have lots of question...even I have....but first listen to me carefully ok" he said and nandini and cabir nodded

"It all started when you both came in the bar and asked me about parth..umm correction yeah manik" he said and they both looked at him in confusion

"Parth?" Asked nandini

"Yes that was the name he was using while working here....maybe he changed his identity" said aryaman and nandini and cabir was shocked

"Ohh so thats why...That was the reason we were not getting any info about him" said cabir

"Yup....When you asked me about him naming him as manik I got confused....well parth told me to not to tell anyone..anything about him...so remembering that I lied to you both...." he said in a guilt

"But when you left after giving me your contact....I thought about it....all the time when I was with him...I never saw him happy...everytime he used to smile but his smile was fake....I tried talking to him but he denied and as a frnd I wanted to know that what bother my frnd...
Then I got to know that he is not parth....after you left I checked the details of the name manik malhotra and there I found his biography and I was stunned.....he was the most famous buisnessman in mumbai and here he was living with no identity....I dont know what happen in your past that changed him this much..I want to know about it..

I just want to help my frnd to get his smile back...that day when he sang that song...I forced him and after that song I felt that he is not happy and it hurts me....I wanted to make him happy...he is the only one I have...he is like my bro my family....so plz tell me whats the reason of him being like this" aryaman completed his part and tears was visible in his eyes...that shows how much he cares for manik...how much he loves him

Nandini and cabir then told him about the past....how and what happened...and why manik left...and how they were searching for him like a mad...and how they got to know about him through this video

"You know I feel so disgusting that I have done something like that to the person whom I love the most...I regret and I want to ask for his forgiveness but I know he wont forgive me" nandini said and started crying

"Nandini I wont say that you were wrong and I wont say that you were right also...but the thing is the situation got so manuplated that manik didn't get the courage to face it....he left all of you bcoz he knew that if he will live with you all then he will end up forgiving you and his parents but he didn't wanted to...so thats why he left not bcoz he hates you and his parents" said aryaman

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