I cant come

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Hello all I am very happy bcoz soon its going to be 100k reads to my story yayiee ❤❤ well when I started this story I didn't expect so much love but a big thank you to you all for accepting and loving this story...I heart you all..keep loving this story❤❤

As majortiy wants manik to go to india and sort things with his parents so I will go for that and thank u for ur suggestions guys to all of u 😊😊😊😊 and I know this chapter is not so great so read with less expectations 😂😂😂😂

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Manik turns to go while nandini was sitting shocked by his statement

"You said you love me" nandini mutters audibly and manik stops at his place

"You said you wont leave me ever again" she stands and turns to look at him...manik saw pain in her eyes which hurts him too

"You said you will love me hamesha?" She again said with pain while tears starts flowing from her eyes

"Nandini I..." manik tried to say

"Tell me manik....you didn't say that ?" Nandini asked with pain

"I...yes...nandini listen to me" manik again tried to say when nandini cuts him in between

"Then why manik" she cried and hold his collar

"Then why you said that I should go without you....you are sending me away....you wanted me to go....you love me na then why you said that...tell me....dont you love me?" She was shouting like a maniac while manik carresses her hairs to calm her down but she was not in control and her last question left him baffled

With so much pain and doubt she asked that "dont you love me?" She was doubting his love....and that was enough to make him angry

"Nandini" he jerked her and she get mum

"Dont you ever dare to doubt on my love nandini....I not only said that I love you....I mean it...I really mean it...I love you with all my heart....I was just stopping you because I know without me you wont go....and I dont wanna go there..." manik said in anger first then his voice turned into the paining one

"Manik...." she cried and crashed in his arms and he also hugs her tightly

"Plz manik...never ever do that again....after so much time after so much hardwork...I got you.....phir kabhi mujhse door jane ki baat mat karna....never ever pull that stunt on me..." nandini cried in his arms and he kissed her forehead assuring her that he is not going anywhere

"I am sorry I hurt you again...but I dont want to go back to that place which snatched everything away from me" manik said in a storng voice but his pain was visible in his eyes

"Manik plz....cant you forgive them?" Nandini ask shocking manik to the core

"You want me to forgive them ?....how could you nandini...you know na what they have done was wrong...they snatched away your parents from you they are the murderers and still you want me to forgive them" manik asked nandini.. she looked in his eyes

"Manik....it was all past....I have moved on...I think you should also move on in life....forgive them manik...I know they did wrong but they regret it.....then plz dont....." nandini was saying this when manik hugged her tightly

"How nandini....how can you forgive them...how can you move on....how can you be so strong...." manik asked with tears in his eyes

"Manik this love na....its very weird....it makes you weak but at the same time it becomes your strenght as well....when I was there living without you I realized that what I lost...and what was the reason....and I got to know that I wanted to punish your parents and in that process I hurt you....I didn't wanted to but I did....we human na we are so strange manik....in our vulnerability we always do wrong things....I used you and mukti to hurt your parents....you left us in ur vulnerability without caring about anyone.....so maybe your parents were also vulnerable...I am not saying that they were not wrong but that was past...and one can leave their past behind to live in the present and in future....so fogive them and lets go back to our country our place...plz manik" nandini explained manik and he just looked at the angel infront of him

Yes she is indeed an angel or maybe love has the power to convert people into angel...they both were angels of each other.....manik was not ready to forgive his own parents bcoz they hurted nandini more over they killed someone without regretting it....and nandini forgave them because they were his parents..

What they wanted to prove ?...that love is selfless....one only care about the person you love...same was in the case of manan where manik was hurting him self not forgiving his parents bcoz of her
and nandini forgave them for him because they were his parents

"Ok nandini....I am coming" manik sighed finally agreeing and she shouted in excitement and pounce on him and they both fell on the sand

Finally after the wonderfull date they came back home only to find cabir and aryaman sleeping on the bed in a weird positions

Finally after the wonderfull date they came back home only to find cabir and aryaman sleeping on the bed in a weird positions

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(Imagine cabir and aryaman on that bed in that position😂😂😂 )

They chuckled on their postures and then the wicked idea plays in their mind

They both looked at each other with a smirk

They both hold the jug and glass full of water respectively and throw them on cabir and aryaman

"Tsunam tsunami" aryaman shouts and was breathing heavily

While cabir placed pillow on his face and murmurs

"Navya plz this trick is not going to work again let me sleep" cabir murmurs and sleep while manan were shocked first then when they realized what he said they starts laughing

"Bhoot bhoot bhoot" hearing their laughter cabir woke up with a scared expression and saw manan laughing on his condition

He look sideways to find aryaman in same expression as his

"Bro tuje bhi?" Cabir asked

"Yes" aryaman nodded with a sad expression and now they both looked at manan who was laughing whole heartedly on their condition

"Enjoying ?" Aryaman asked with the sarcastic smile

"Ohh god your expressions" nandini held her stomach bcoz of pain due to continuous laughing

While they both made grumpy face

"Guys....we wanted to tell you something" said manik controlling his laugh

"Pehle has le phir bata dena...puri raat baki hai" said aryaman sarcastically

"Ok...fine...hahhh...yeah we are going india" he said after relaxing a bit and cabir jumped on him to hug him out of happiness while aryaman went busy in his thought

"Nice decision bro....you should go...its high time" said aryaman and comes to hug manik

"What...no drama and all...you are also coming with me..." said manik without letting aryaman say anything

"And thats final" said manik and aryaman nodded in disbelief

"I am not coming....I cant" said aryaman in a serious voice and manik's expression changes into confuse one

"Why?" He asked

"I am sorry manik but I cant come with you and its final" said aryaman and left from there without giving chance to anyone

"What happen to him suddenly?" Nandini asked

"I will ask" said manik and rus behind aryaman

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Yayiee manan going to india...but aryaman is not going :( sad ? Me too....well here I end this part hope you like it and cmnt too...next part will be 100k special one...with twist and turns 😇😇😇😇

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