Step 8. Refrain From Overthinking

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That night, as I laid in bed, the blankness of shadows washing over my eyes, I went over the conversations I had today.

The one I had with my mother this morning, asking her not to drive me to school anymore. I think she was actually quite relieved I was growing up in a way.

The one I had with Leroy in science class about who should take charge and actually bother doing the experiment. Obviously Leroy, the acquaintance I mentioned previously, took charge. Science experiments and I, never ended well. Last year we placed various metals over Bunsen burners. Never will I risk losing an eyebrow again.

And of course the conversation I had at lunch with Melanie and Britt.

I couldn't get their words out of my messed up head. I couldn't stop thinking about how much of a fool I sounded as I couldn't even speak properly.

Stop it, Paisley.


But what if she didn't mean what she said about wanting to get to know me again. What if Britt makes my life miserable? Oh, but it already is.

What if...

Those two words were the start of my many nights of tears. They'd trickle down my freckled cheeks, wetting the soft pillow against my face.

Not tonight.

Paisley, you're not going to overthink.

Shoving earphones into my ears, I turned the volume up, as to drown out my thoughts - but still quiet enough to lull me to a sleep of pleasant dreams.

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