Don't panic. Don't cry.
It's just school. You go everyday.
But I don't usually walk... What if I trip and someone sees? What if I stand in dog poo and everyone at school notices? What if a bird lands on my head and makes a nest and refuses to leave for the rest of its short little life? What if I get lost and I have to have a life of stealing celery? I hate celerey. What if... oh what the hell Paisley? Pull yourself together you freakin piece of crap.Breathe...
It's just like any other ordinary day. You're frickin sixteen now, you can't have your mum still holding your hand to school - and basically everywhere else too for that matter. Grow up. We've had this debate before. You decided just last night that things were going to change.
One small step at a time.
Oh great, an argument in my head. What fab way to be secure in your sanity Paisley. Way to be normal.
Quickly focusing my thoughts back into reality, I dodge a street light I almost walked into. I really needed to stop getting lost in my head. I'm going to end up seriously hurt someday. Knowing me, I'd probably accidentally walk into a nuclear warzone practice area, just because I was worrying about what to wear to go to a supermarket.
I'm practically speeding down a long street, filled with perfect houses on each side, perfectly coordinated, with perfectly colour-matched doors and perfect people inside doing their perfect things.
I need to get to school fast. I know a few other students walk this way too, I usually see them as I'm driven past on a morning. I hope none of them live on this street. I couldn't stand it if I had to awkwardly get stuck walking behind someone. I mean I could talk to them... That's if I wasn't me. And I was able to talk to people without stumbling over my words, like the fool I am. If only.
Okay. This is your first step Paisley. Just breathe. It's simple. Only a few more minutes of walking and you'll be at school, and able to lock yourself in a toilet cubicle and sort you're silly little brain out before the hard stuff starts.
You can do this.
How To Overcome Anxiety
Короткий рассказStep 1: Breathe Step 2: Don't lose your chill Step 3: Whatever you do, don't be a complete and total fool It's the start of a new year, the start of a new me, and I, Paisley Richards, am about to overcome my anxiety. Well, that's the plan anyway, it...