Request for icepaw369

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"Mommy is daddy gonna wanna eat breakfast with us" poppy my four year old daughter asked as I set pancakes in front of her. "I'm sure if you ask nicely daddy would love to". Poppy smiled happily as I turned my attention to my 1 year old twin boys sitting in there high chairs. "Mommys gotta feed you boys" I cooed . James And jack gurgled as I spooned out baby food one spoon in each hand for the two of them. "Tiffany where are my sneakers?" Liam yelled from upstairs. "Front door". Liam came barreling down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Daddy you wanna eat breaky with us" poppy asked kindly as Liam slipped on his sneakers. "Sorry baby I gotta go meet uncle Louis oh Tiffany I can't bring poppy to school today cause I gotta leave like now" Liam said leaning over to peck poppy on the head. "Li seriously that means I have to load the Boys into the car including pops" I grumbled scooping more food into the twins mouths. "I'm Sorry I promised Lou". With that Liam pecked the twins on there cheeks and left out the door. My heart ached at the loss of affection when he didn't kiss you. "Alright looks like mommy is driving you today" I said smiling. Poppy smiled at me and finished up her pancakes. "Are Jamie and Jackie done eatin" poppy asked crawling off her chair to sit beside me. "Yeah I think so now we gotta get the three of you dressed and out the door so you won't be late". I got poppy dressed with the twins running around her room. "Aright lets go clan we gotta get to school". I put James and jack into there car seats followed by poppy into hers. "Okay loveys off to school". When I got to school I had to take all the kids back out to drop poppy to her class. "Have a good day okay baby" I said kissing poppys head she nodded and skipped off towards her friends. Before I knew it the busy day came to an end that was filled with soccer practice day care runs work and a bed time routine. By 1 am i am in bed waiting for Liam like usual. I heard the front door open as well as all the kids rooms doors as Liam checked on them. He slipped into your room and jumped in surprise when he saw you sitting up in bed. "What are you doing up" Liam whispered. "Wanted to make sure you were home safe". Liam nodded as you flipped off your side lamp table and curled under the large covers. He slipped into bed beside you keeping his back to yours. The over powering smell of Purfume that I definitely didn't own filled my nose as i bit back tears. I turned over and all my worst night meres were confirmed as a dark purple hicky rested on Liam's  collar bone. "Liam" i whispered out. "Hmm"? "Are you cheating on Me". Liam flipped over and faced me looking at me confused. "What are yo-". "Liam we've been together for 8 years I know when your lying so tell me the truth" you whimpered searching his face for any kind of emotion. Harry face dropped and I covered my mouth. "Tiff I'm so sorry" Liam stuttered. i got out of bed the tears streaming down my face. "I guess I'll Grab the kids but I swear to  god if my 3 kids weren't just across the hall I would be screaming but I know what a family is" I snarled. I wiped my tears and threw my head back. "Stay here I'll go" Liam whimpered. "Have you had her like you know in our bed" I whispered. "I'm sorry". "Oh my god we slept in that bed , who" I asked bewildered. "Just a girl that -". "Liam tell me". "Jessica" Liam whispered. "Jessica the assistant you hired because you were too stressed out at the studio while I was here taking care of our three children while you toured around cheating on me and guess what Liam all 10 years we've been together and the 8 years we've Been married I've never cheated on you I've waited up for you waited home for you Liam my parents have never met their grandkids because I gave up everything for you I moved halfway across the world and this is how you re pay me? Thank you Liam". Liam had tears streaming down his face. "Was it worth it , a 10 year relationship one which gifted you 3 kids all down the drain for a classy fuck buddy who is at least 10 years younger than you?" "No absolutely not it wasn't  worth it because I love you and our kids more than anything in the entire world" Liam yelled throwing his arms in the air. "Well Liam you have a funny way of showing it.

3 months later.

"Come on daddy's here for you" I said lifting the twins into my arms. "Mommy did I leave my Dora bag at daddy's last time" poppy called. "Yes baby just hurry mommys going out with jace tonight". I heard the knock and sighed in relief when I swung open the door. "Hey Liam one sec poppys just grabbing her shoes". "Oh no problem". "You look great by the way a night out with the girls? you deserve it ". "Mommy can you give jace this picture I made him ? tell him to put it on his fridge next to the one of puppy okay" poppy asked handing you the paper. "Course baby have fun with daddy this weekend and I'll pick you up Sunday". Poppy nodded and skipped out to Liam's car. "Jace"? Liam asked shuffling his feet while the twins played with poppy on the front lawn. "Uh yeah just a guy I've been seeing I think we're getting a little more serious tho he's really great" I gushed. Liam gulped loudly and nodded. "Good I hope he treats you well you deserve to be treated right and if he ever miss treats you well I'm here for you"Liam said smiling. "Thanks li , uh Liam sorry thanks Liam" I muttered as I watched jace approach the kids. "Is he okay with the kids" Liam asked looking over to the lawn. "Yeah he is they really like him". Liam's face dropped as Jace lifted poppy in the air. "Well we have reservations so we should go". I walked outside and gave the kids one last kiss before jumping into the car with jace. "So I wanted to talk I did have a little mess up but we can talk about it out over dinner okay sexy" Jace asked placing his hand on my thigh. "What Is it J just tell me". "Oh well I sorta slept with another girl but I mean we're only freshly boyfriend and girlfriend and I was going to tell you but I mean-". "Stop the car" I damanded. "What why" jace asked slamming on his breaks. "Cause I've been with a cheater once and I'm not doing it again". I got out of the car with my purse and stomped away. Tears streamed down my face. Great it's freezing out and I'm in a little dress at 7:00 at night. I grabbed my phone and for some weird reason the first contact I called was 'Liam', "Tiffany what's wrong" Liam barked. "Liam I'm sorry I shouldn't have called" I whimpered going to hang up. "Pops baby can you grab your bag and your little brothers bags were gonna hop back into the truck and go to uncle Harry's" Liam spoke softly. "Tiffany love where are you"? It took me a second to respond as I contemplate what Liam called me love not sexy. "I'm outside that restaurant we went to for our 5 year anniversary where you ordered the spaghetti and spilt -". "I know exactly where you are I'll be there in 10 minuets tiff sit tight". "Liam thank you". With that I hung up and waited for Liam. Before I knew it Liam was jumping out of his truck and over to me. "Tiff it's starting to rain jump into the truck" Liam called over the sound of rain starting up. I looked up at the clouds as it started pouring. "Liam why me I leave a guy who cheats on me three months after and than I get with another guy who cheats on me maybe this isn't your and Jaces fault there's a commen factor and its me" I whimpered looking at Liam. Liam took two big steps over to me and wraps his strong arms around me. "You don't deserve to be cheated on what I did and what that other dipshit did is horrible and nothing you deserve your beautiful and kind and an amazing mother I love you with all my heart and honestly I thought maybe just maybe this jace guy would be the guy you deserve one who's loyal to you and loves you and the kids more than anything someone you could love with all your heart". "That's not possible because there's only one man one little girl and two little boys I love with my entire heart and Liam that man is you".

A/n: hope you like it love requests are open don't forget!!

Katie :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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