Self harm

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Liam looked into my eyes and held my hand, running his finger over the scars, some faded, some still prominent. His brown eyes were a sea of sorrow and a sense of reponsibility shone through him, as if hee felt he was the reason for this. He stood up quietly, the silence shrieking at me. He walked to the bathroom and I could hear the clink of metal and things moved around. He walked back to me and sat on the ground. He extended his arm, placing it on my lap carefully. He reached for his sleeve and pulled it up, rolling it till his elbow. it was then I noticed the shiny metal object next to him, a blade. He picked that up and kept it in my open hand. His eyes met mine, as they seemed to see through my very soul. "take that and cut me as many times as you would yourself.",he said quietly. "I....I can't.",I trembled, with the blade in my hand. With his other hand, he lifted up my hand, placing the blade near his skin. "go on. Do it.",he urged, "its alright." I looked at him , unsure of what to do. "Liam I can't do this to you.",I said softly. "I said do it!",he said loudly, loosing his cool and making me jump. "Liam stop this! I can't!",I shouted, throwing the blade on the floor. "go on.",he shouted, placing the blade back in my hand. Immediately I threw the blade down, placing my hands on my ears, I sunk down against the wall, crying. Tears streamed down my face, as I tried to hold myself together. He stood up and walked over to me, sitting next to me. "that's how I feel when I see it on you. I can't bear it.",he whispered. He placed his arm around me and pulled me in , my head on his shoulder. I could smell a light trace of his favorite cologne on him as I snuggled closer. "if you want to hurt yourself, then I will do the same to myself. If you want to starve yourself then I won't eat either. If you want to cry ill hold you and never let you go. But if you shut yourself out.....ill never be able to live with myself.",he whispered. In those words I understood what he meant. His words touched my heart and soul and I realized he was right. "hurting yourself is never going to effect everyone. Just you.",he said, as he kissed my forehead as I fell into slow dreamless sleep.

Cutting does not show you're strong or beautiful. I'm sorry but the harsh truth is it doesn't. You know what does though? Proving to those who thought you couldn't do it that you can. Proving to everyone how wrong they are about you and how unbreakable you can be as a person and an individual. Stop living in an illusion that what you're doing shows you're strong. Strength comes from your heart and the truth of is all of you are strong, sometimes it takes a little push to get that started.

Liam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now