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Stephen pushed Ayesha up against the wall attacking her neck with kisses, leaving love bites all over.

Ayesha moaned in pure pleasure. Stephen picked her up by her thighs wrapping her legs around his torso.

Ayesha unbuttoned Stephen's shirt quickly. Stephen chuckled.

"So eager!" Steph joked.

Ayesha sucked her teeth which resulted in Steph kissing her on her lips hard. Ayesha moaned and Stephen walked with her to their bed.

He laid her down carefully and kissed down her neck. Stephen pulled Ayesha's shirt up and threw it across the room. He growled loudly when he saw her lacy bra. He started kissing down the valley of her breast.

Ayesha moaned and arched her back, causing her hips to touch Stephen's which seemed to drive him mad.

Ayesha pushed Steph's shirt off his shoulders and brought his face to hers kissing his lips. Stephen's hands reached for Ayesha's shorts. He pressed his hand against her, causing Ayesha to moan loudly.

Steph smirked knowing that no other man could touch his beautiful fiance like that.

Ayesha grinded her hips against his hand. All that filled her mind was Stephen making love to her.

Stephen slowly started unbuttoning her shorts which aggravated her. When he finally pulled it down he played with her panties smirking at how wet she was.

"Who made you this wet princess?" Stephen asked in her ear.

Ayesha shivered and moaned as Stephen pressed his fingers on her area.

"Who princess?" He growled. "You!" Ayesha moaned out. "Say my name." Stephen said seductively. "God!" She cried out in immense pleasure as Stephen contiued playing with her.

"It's not god baby girl. It's daddy." He purred in her ear.

Ayesha moaned and grinded against his hand.

"Stephen please!" She begged.

He smirked and finally pushed her panties aside and pushed one finger in her.

"Ah!" Ayesha moaned loudly.

People could probably heard her but Ayesha could care less.

Stephen pumped his finger in her feeling her walls clench. He added another finger which caused Ayesha to moan loudly.

Ayesha gripped the bed sheets and arched her back. Ayesha felt herself coming close to releasing all over Stephen's fingers. He pulled out of her causing her to groan he also pulled her panties off. Ayesha was about to say something until she felt Steph's tongue in her.

She moaned loudly.

"Steph!" She moaned loudly as she licked her up and down.

"Please!" She begged.

Steph smirked and took off Ayesha's bra while she got his pants and boxers off.

Steph positioned himself in front of her.

"You ready?" He asked.

Ayesha nodded.

Steph then pushed into her gently. Ayesha moaned loudly. She scratched at Steph's back as he pumped in her. Stephen moaned and kissed her lips.

"You're so fucking beautiful!" He growled.

Ayesha kissed Steph's neck, leaving love bites just like he did to her.

Stephen felt her walls clenched around him as he contiued pumping in and out of her.

They were both close to releasing.

"I'm close Steph!" Ayesha moaned. "Almost baby girl." He said.

After a few more thrust they both released into each other.

They were both panting heavily. Steph kissed Ayesha's shoulder lightly.

Steph pulled out of her and held Ayesha close.

"I love you baby girl." He said. Ayesha smiled. "I love you too." She said.


OMG!!! They did the dirty. Lol. Also if you payed attention you'll notice something which lead into the next events.😏😉. Anyway hoped you guys liked this chapter and HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN!!! Oh and the pic at the beginning of the chapter is so cute. They are relationship goals!!
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Word Count: 603

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now