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March. Five months pregnant.

I snuggled into the chest I was laying on. I felt hands tighten around my waist.

"I'm still pissed at you!" I mumbled into his chest.

He squeezed me tighter.

He started rubbing his hand over my baby bump. I sighed.

I just couldn't stop thinking about how he slept with another woman.

I then decided to get up. Stephen didn't pull me back. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine again even though it was around 11.

Today I have school but till 5. So I have the day to myself.

I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room.

I changed quickly into some comfortable clothes and went into the kitchen. I wasn't hungry. I just made some coffee.

I saw Stephen walk into the kitchen. He looked at me filled with sadness.

"I thought you loved me." I mumbled. "I do love you." He said. "No because if you loved me you wouldn't have slept with another women while your pregnant girlfriend was worrying all night about you." I said bitterly.

Stephen frowned.

"I need time." I mumbled.

Stephen looked up at me.

"To just figure things out. I need some space and time." I continued.

The look on Stephen's face really broke me.

He just stood there with a pained expression

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He just stood there with a pained expression.

I looked down. My eyes watered and my lip trembled.

"I'm sorry Ayesha." He said. "I'm sorry too Wardell."


7 months

When I asked Stephen for my space I got it. It's been two months since that day. We've talked here and there but other then that, that was it.

I haven't been feeling well lately. Not sick. I just haven't been as active before. I've also been down. Maybe it's because I've been missing Stephen.

I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I put on Martin.

I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Baby girl you can't kick that hard." I mumbled, while giggling a little.

I then felt a another sharp pain worse then before.

"Ah!" I cried in pain.

They felt like contractions. But I shouldn't have gotten them so soon.

More came.

I held my stomach and cried in pain.

"Ayesha!" I heard a voice scream.

Next thing you know Stephen is right next to me.

"Stephen it hurts!" I cried.

He was on the phone with the 911 operator.

"Please hurry!" He yelled.

I cried out in more pain.

"Oh god!" I screamed loudly.

Stephen held me close to his body.


Stephen's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Ayesha. I wondered how she was doing.

I sighed and got up. I'm just gonna go see her. I need to talk to her. I need to fix things with her.

I put on my Nike sneakers and grabbed my hoddie. I put it on and grabbed my car keys.

I walked out of my apartment and went downstairs to the garage. I got in my car and drove off to Ayesha's.

I parked into a parking lot and immediately went to the elevator.

It dinged and I got off. I walked towards her apartment.

"Ah!" I heard Ayesha scream.

My eyes widened and I ran towards the apartment. I grabbed the spare key that I still have and ran into the apartment.

I saw Ayesha clutching her stomach.

"Ayesha!" I yelled and ran to her.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Stephen it hurts!" She cried.

I grabbed my phone and immediately dialed 911.

I told them everything and then hung up. Ayesha cried out in more pain.

"Oh God!" She cried.

"Baby you gotta tell me what's happening so I know how to help you." I said. She didn't answer. She just cried loudly.


Jesus God. This chapter was sad once again. Also I have some news for this book. It will be ending soon. Yup Unplanned only has a few chapters left. I won't be making a sequel for it. It will be a stand alone. But don't worry I have my other books. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment and vote.
Word Count: 697

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now