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I held the first pictures of my baby.

I smiled at the pictures as I sat in my car. I put one picture in my wallet. My phone starting rining.

Mom-"Hey baby how did the appointment go?"
Me-"I heard it's heartbeat mom."
Mom-"You're supposed to baby girl." She said laughing. I blushed.
Me-"Stephen came."
Mom-"What happened?"
Me-"We argued."
Mom-"Baby girl. That man loves you. He'll come around."
Me-"When?" I asked sadly.
Mom-"He will baby. Men are just werid. I have to go baby I'll call you later."
Me-"Okay. Bye mom. Love you."
Mom-"Love you too."

I put my phone down and then began driving. I was going to place that always helps me stay calm. A place where I find my peace.

It's the cliff that I go to when I missed home. I pulled up and got out of the car. I went towards the edge and sat down. My feet dangling off the cliff. I looked out into the ocean.

I smiled as I heard the waves crashing down. I closed my eyes and smiled.

I heard the crunch of rocks and a car. I kept my eyes closed though. I heard the door shut. I then heard footprints. I didn't car though.

"You know I could be a killer." Stephen's voice filled the silence. "But you're not." I stated, my eyes still close. "But I could've been." He said. "But you weren't." I said finally turning around and looking at him.

I got up and dusted my jeans off. The picture of my baby fell to the floor. Stephen bent down and picked it up staring at it.

"Was that from the ultrasound?" He asked.

I didn't say anything. I just took the picture and turned around walking to my car.

I got in and started driving home. Heart racing and tears spilling over.


I was in the kitchen cooking. I used to cook for two but now it's just one. I sighed as I chopped the carrots into small pieces.

I heard knocking on my door.

I put my knife down and lowered the stove down. I went to the door and peeked through the peep hole.

What the hell is Stephen doing here?

I opened it.

"Hey. I needed to talk to you." He said. "We saw each other earlier and you could've called." I stated. "Well. Yeah but now I need to talk to you in person." He stated.

I stared at him before opening the door more, motioning for him to come in.

I walked back into the kitchen and went back to cooking.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked. "The baby." He said.

I stopped cutting the carrots for a minute but then contiued.

"It's yours if that's what your wondering." I said.

Stephen didn't say anything. I rolled my eyes and contiued chopping the carrots.

I can't believe he doesn't believe me. He used to talk about trust now he has none in me. Why can't he just believe me?

I then felt a pain in my finger.

"Ow!" I gasped dropping the knife.

I cut my finger. Stephen ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

He took my hand and brought me to the sink. He turned the water on and ran my finger under it. It stung a little. I winced. After washing the blood off Stephen brought me a band aid.

"Thank you." I said putting it on.

Stephen didn't say anything. He just watched me.

"I wanna be there for you." He stated.


Ooh cliffhanger. What do think Ayesha's gonna say. Is she gonna accept Stephen. Or tell him to get the steppin?? Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment and vote.
Word Count: 640.

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now