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Ayesha's POV

I laid in bed tossing and turning. It's been about a week since Stephen and I broke up. He wouldn't even let me talk.

The media of course blew the whole thing making the already rumor of me cheating even more. Now I'm a whore, slut, gold digger. Those are just the few names I've been called all over media.

I haven't done a cooking video because I'm terrified of the hate i would get. I sighed and looked at the pictures of Steph and I.

The sun was starting to rise. I haven't slept properly in 3 days. The bags underneath my eyes were crazy.

I wish Stephen would just talk to me so we could work this out.

I sighed.

Who am I kidding Stephen is a very stubborn man. I felt a tear leak from the corner of my eye. I wiped it away quickly. I've cried so many times I've lost count and I'm surprised I'm still capable of crying.

I all of a sudden felt nauseous. I ran out of my bed into the bathroom and threw up last night's dinner.

I sat on the floor, breathing heavily. Was it allergic to something? No I couldn't be if I was it would've affected me earlier.

I leaned over to the toilet bowl and threw up some more. A tear she'd from my eye.

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

I stood up and washed my mouth and face. I then brushed my teeth. When I finished I went into my kitchen to make some soup.

When I finished I sat on the couch and watched tv and ate it hoping it would make me feel better.

When I finished eating I put my bowl on the little table. I then gagged.

I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach. I sat down on the floor.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I mumbled.

I felt sick to my stomach and I didn't know why. I heard my phone ring. I got up shakily and answered it without looking.

Me-"Hello?" I asked.
Sydel-"Ayesha?!" Sydel growled into the phone.
Me-"What's up?"
Sydel-"Oh shut up you whore! You cheated on my brother!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes. I then felt the need to throw up. I dropped my phone and ran to the bathroom throwing up again in the toilet.

Tears fled from my eyes.

Sydel-"Ayesha?! What the fuck?! Are you okay?!"

I contiued throwing up in my toilet. I crawled over to my phone and put it to my ear. No one was there. She probably hung up.

I sighed and leaned back on my bed end.

I closed my eyes and leaned back.




I jumped up. I ran to the door and quickly opened it. I saw Sydel.

"I thought you fucking died!"She yelled.

I winced. I then ran back into my bathroom and threw up again.

I felt Sydel pick my head up.

"How long have you been throwing up?" Sydel asked like she knew something. "5 am." I mumbled throwing up again.

Sydel stared at me.

"I'm going to the pharmacy I'll be back." She said.

I nodded and sat on the bathroom floor.

I don't think medicine was gonna help me.

I sighed. I started to think about the million for reasons I could be throwing up.

My eyes widened. I scrambled to my phone and picked it up but my phone screen was shattered.

"Fuck!" I said.

I ran up to my calendar. My eyes scanned the calendar.

I missed my period by a few days. My eyes widened.

"No." I mumbled.

Tears fled from my eyes.

I heard footsteps.  I turned around and saw Sydel holding a bag. She looked at me sympathetically.

I took the bag and ran to the bathroom. I did what I had to do with all 6 pregnancy sticks and waited.

My heart was pounding. I opened the bathroom door and Sydel fell through. I would've laughed if I wasn't terrified.

After a few minutes I looked at the sticks and gasped.

I was pregnant

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I was pregnant.

I started sobbing. I fell room the floor. Sydel hugged me. I cried on her shoulder.

"Sydel please belive me when I say I didn't cheat on Wardell. Never would I ever cheat on him!" I cried. "I believe you." She said. "Oh my god Sydel what am I gonna do. I'm pregnant." I sobbed. "Shh. Yesh. I'll help you okay. I won't let you do this on your own." She said.


Dun! Dun! Dun! Ayesha's pregnant. FYI the story takes place in October/ November time. Anyway what did you guys think about this chapter? Comment and vote.
Word Count: 796.

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now