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I sat by her bed side waiting for her to wake up. That was a close call today.

The doctors said that she was just having contractions and that they were normal.

But that was scary. I hated seeing her in pain and I couldn't do anything about it.

Ayesha fell asleep about an hour and half ago. And I've just been waiting here. I just wanted to hold her in my arms. I sighed and lean my head on her hand.

"Boy get yo big ass head off my hand." I heard her say.

I chuckled and looked up at her. She smiled.

"My head ain't that big." I said.

She laughed loudly, making me smile.

I then looked down.

"Stephen?" She questioned. "I thought something happened to the baby. I thought I was gonna lose you both." I mumbled truthfully.

I felt her grab my hand. I looked up at her.

"You're not gonna lose us." She said. "I felt like I already did." I mumbled truthfully.

She looked down. I bit my lip and sighed.

"I've missed you." She said. I closed my eyes. "Me too." I said.

"Oh my God my baby!" I heard Ayesha's mother scream.

Ayesha cringed.

"Are you alright?!" She asked.

Ayesha nodded.

"Yes Ma. I'm fine. Stephen got to me." She said.

Her mom smiled at me. I smiled back and looked down.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Her mom said before leaving the room.

I stared at Ayesha. She was looking down. I sighed and went closer to her.

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Stephen what are we doing?" She asked. I sighed. "Trying to maintain our crazy relationship and plan on becoming parents." I answered.

She sighed.

Tears streamed down from her face. I jumped up and sat on the bed.

"Don't cry babygirl." I said while wiping her tears.

She leaned into me. I hugged her tightly and sighed in content.

"I'm sorry baby." I said.

I felt her kiss my chest.

"Me too." She said.


July 18, 2012

Ayesha stood up on the kitchen trying to cook dinner.

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now