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I giggled as I sat with my mom. She was telling me a funny story from when she was a kid.

She flew out to Oakland cause she wanted to spend some time with me. She also wanted to go Disney Land. Yeah my mother wants to go to Disney Land.

I said I'll go with her and my father.

"We should invite Stephen." My mom said.

I bit my lip. Stephen and I kissed a few days ago, but nothings really changed.

"Okay." I mumbled.

I walked towards my bed room and called Stephen.

Stephen-"What's up Yesh?"
Me-"Uh-Hey. My parents are in town and wonder if you wanna go to Disney with us."
Stephen-"Yeah I'd love to. I'll even ask if Sydel and Seth wanna come. If that's okay with you."
Me-"Oh yeah. That's okay." I said awkwardly.
Stephen-"When are you planning to go?"
Me-"We were gonna stay the weekend over there."
Stephen-"Oh ok. Call me when you book so I can help."
Stephen-"Okay bye baby."

He said hanging up. My heart fluttered. Fucking lord.


I had just finshed booking the place. I saw my mom sitting and watching me. I think nows a good time to ask.

"Momma are you disappointed in me?" I asked while looking down.

My mother looked up at me.

"Baby girl why would you ask that?" She asked. "Because I'm pregnant with a man's child and I'm not married." I said sadly.

My mother got up and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Yesh I have no reason to be mad. Yes I'm Christian but Wardell loves you with all his heart and soul. You guys are just in a rough patch and this baby will bring you two closer and show the both of you how much you guys can't live with each other." She said.

I looked at her and smiled lightly. She smiled back and kissed my forehead.

"Now start packing." She said and left my room.


(Day before the trip)
Stephen Curry

I was currently packing for this trip. Sydel and Seth was coming with us.

I thought back to the conversation I had with Ayesha. God she's been on my mind alot. Well she's always on my mind.

I can never stop thinking about how beautiful she is. And the fact that her little baby bump makes her look sexy as hell. I just wanna kiss her. Again.

I want her to be mine again but something is just holding me back and I don't know what it is.

Ayesha Alexander

(Day of the trip)

Sweats and sneakers that's what my outfit consisted of. I didn't feel like dressing up, plus I've been feeling like shit lately.

I stood by myself waiting for them to call for our plane.

Stephen came up to me.

"What aren't you sitting?" He asked. "Because I don't want to." I answered. "Why not?" He asked.

I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Flight 504 to LA is now boarding." The PA announced.

I sighed and I walked away. I felt someone bump me, causing me to fall forward. I squealed. I then felt arms quickly wrap around me.

My breathing was rapidly and short.

"Yo she's pregnant man. You need to be careful." Stephen snapped.

I gripped his sweater.

"Hey it's okay. I'm fine." I said. "Yeah but if you did fall you and out baby would get hurt." He said. "But I didn't." I said.

He sighed.

"Come on." He said pulling me with him.

I followed still holding onto him since he was still holding onto me. Not that I minded though.

We sat down. Stephen and I were seated right next to each other. How cliche right?

I sighed and leaned my head back. After the flight attendant finished talking I closed my eyes.

Stephen Curry

I turned my head and I saw Ayesha with her eyes closed. I smiled. I leaned her head on my shoulder so she could be comfortable.

I then kissed her head and interlocked our fingers. I felt her squeeze my hand and snuggle up against me. I smiled and kissed her again.


Aww how cute are they?? So I have a long weekend so I will be able to update often. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment and vote.
Word Count: 734

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now