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January 15

Today was the ultrasound. I was currently in the waiting room. My right leg bouncing up and down. Stephen said he'd be here but he isn't.

I was pissed. I played with the bracelet on my wrist. I looked down at it and then dropped it. Ever since Stephen got me this I never wanted to take it off. Only in the shower.

"Miss. Alexander it's time." The doctor said. "Is their someone coming in with you?" She asked. "No." "Yes." I said and another person said at the same time.

I turned around and saw Stephen. My heart swelled but I didn't want to show it. I kept my face straight. I turned back around.

"Please follow me." Doctor Harris said.

I followed behind her. I felt a hand at my lower back. I jumped but realized it was Stephen and relaxed slightly.

We walked into the room.

"I'll hold your bag." Stephen said.

I smiled gratefully at him and gave my bag.

He then helped me onto the bed.

"Ok Miss. Alexander I'm gonna need you to unbutton your pants and raise your shirt up." She said. I nodded.

I unbuttoned my shorts and raised up my shirt exposing my belly bump. It was bigger now.

"Okay I'm gonna rub the gel on your stomach. It's gonna be cold." She warned. I nodded.

She rubbed the blue gel on my stomach. I flinched lightly cause it was cold. Stephen squeezed my hand, which caused my heart to swell and for butterflies to fly in my stomach.

She put the thing on my stomach and started rubbing it.

"Okay. Here's your baby." She said.

I smiled widely. I looked at Stephen who stared at the screen.

"And here's the heartbeat." She said.

Tears welled in my eyes. My baby's heart beat was music to my ears.

Stephen squeezed my hand tightly.

"Okay. I'll be back with your photos." Doctor Harris said.

I nodded. She left the room. Stephen got me a tissue. I went to taken it but he pulled back. What is this man doing? I wondered.

He then wiped the gel off my stomach. I stared at him. He buttoned my shorts and pulled my shirt down.

I sat up.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"We did that." He said. He placed his hand on my stomach. "There's a mini us in there." He said.

I smiled and nodded. He smiled widely. He stood up and looked down at me. He kissed my forehead and hugged me. I hugged him back.

We're not back together, but I think we are slowly coming back.


Short chapter, but next one will be longer. I promise. Anyway wasn't this chapter cute. Hope you guys liked it. Comment and vote.
Oh and I hit over 100 reads. I'm so happy!! Thank you guys so much.
Word Count: 480.

Unplanned ~Stephen CurryWhere stories live. Discover now