Torn in Two

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No-one's POV

The Cimorelli family was gathered at dinner, and for once everyone was present. From Joey (7), to Michael (25), all the children were there with their parents.

They had been called there to not go out on that particular Monday night in August 2013, and to all be present at 7:00pm.

All the children had worried looks on their faces, even the capable Christina.

Lynne started speaking; 'Your father and I have been talking, and over the past few months we have had very conflicted opinions on morals, beliefs, the band, and you, our children. We cannot go on arguing, so we have decided to have a divorce.'

All the 11 children looked around, and tears even filled in Joey's eyes.

All the children started to speak, questionning their parents on how, why, when.

Lynne put up their hand to silence them,and continued; 'We are very sorry, and your father and I will try to be friends, even though it may be hard at first.

'The thing is: your father never really wanted to move to LA. And so, in a few weeks he will be moving back to Northern California. Obviously some of you may want to go with him, the band willl need to talk about staying and continuing, and dependent on all your decisions, I don't know whether you can be home-schooled anymore.

'You can stay and finish dinner if you wish, but if you are too upset you may leave the table.'

And with that, all the Cimorelli family got up except Lisa, because they were having pizza.

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