Meeting our sister

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Christina's POV

Well, this is it. We've reached the hospital, we all slowly got out of the van and made our way to the reception desk. 

'Excuse me, can you please tell us what room Danielle Cimorelli is in?' mom asked.

'Danielle is in room 237. Just go down that corridor and it's on your left.' the recptionist replied.

We all turned and started walking down the corridor. Dr Dale was informed of our arrival and he met us in office 37, just like about 6 or 7 hours ago. We all went in and sat down, unsure of what to do next.

'Well, good morning. Dani had a good night and she will be able to go home when we are sure she is aware of her memory loss situation.' we all breathed out a sigh of relief, and then I chuckled slightly because I hadn't even realised I was holding my breath. I then regained my composure and looked seriously at Dr Dale.

'I would like to warn you all this may be upsetting, so I think Joey, Nick, and Christian should not come in right away. Perhaps Dani's parents and a few others.' I felt sorry for the doctor, having to break teh news to the poor little boys and then to the rest of us, having to meet our sister.

Mom turned round to look at us all, 'Ok, how about Christina, Lauren, Mike, and Kath come in with me and your dad. Lisa, Amy, Alex, could you please stay with the boys and we will tell you when to come in.' we all nodded, and even though I knew my siblings would be upset about not going in, I could see how having too many people would be confusing and stressful for Dani.

Lauren, Mike, Kath, my parents and I stood up to leave, and I apologetically squeezed Amy's shoulder, mouthing 'It will be alright' as tears appeared in my eyes, threatening to spill over. She smiled back and I knew she understood it was for the best.

Dr Dale led us out of the room and I turned back to smile reassuringly at little Joey, who's face relaxed and smiled back at me.

We walked down the corridor to room 237. We stopped outside momentarily and I felt tense as Dr Dale pushed open the door.

We entered and made a circle of chairs round Dani's bed before Dr Dale stepped forward to beside Dani, checked a few numbers and gently awakened Dani. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times before trying to sit up and scanning the room, looking at our faces.

'Who are you? Why am I here?' her voice was hoarse and quiet, but the tension made the room silent and we all heard her perfectly. Dr Dale stepped towards her and started to speak; 'Hello, Dani. I would like to tell you a few things, then you can ask any questions. Ok?' Dani nodded, obviously anxious and worried why she was in a hospital with strangers surrounding her bed.

'I'm Dr Dale, at a hospital near Los Angeles. The time now is 10:00am on Tuesday August 2013. Last night you were in a serious car accident. Both your legs are broken, three ribs cracked, and collar bone broken. That is why you are in hospital. I'm very sorry Dani.' Dani's face became anxious at first, then almost scared. She swallowed, 'So, my name's Dani...' She trailed off.

'Dani Cimorelli.' I finished for her with a smile, trying to stay strong even when my sister was having to learn her own name. Tears pricked at my eyes - why did this happen to us, to Dani?

Dani smiled a grateful smile at me, before letting Dr Dale continue.

'The thing is, your head was hit very hard, and so you won't be able to remember any people, anything from the past two years, any personal information, but you may remember a few distant memories from before two years ago, though not much because you are only thirteen.' Dr Dale looked down at the floor, not wanting to look at Dani because he had basically just told Dani that she wouldn't remember anything.

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