Home sweet home

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Kath's POV

After a long drive with all of us talking to Dani and making her comfortable, we got out in front of our house before Lisa and I helped dani into her wheelchair. I tried to be helpful. 'Well Dani, this is our house! You share a room with Lauren and Lisa, and Christina, Amy and I are right next door! Do you want us to show you around or do you want to rest, eat...' I trailed off, my voice uncertain.

'Can I go to our room? And then I can see the rest, but can I have some nutella?' Dani asked and we all laughed as she wanted to try her favourite food.

'Sure,' I laughed, 'Lisa, can you get some snacks and I'll take Dani upstairs.' Lisa nodded as Dani and I entered her room. I could tell by teh look on her face that she loved it, and I showed her all her belongings and clothes, then her bottom bunk on the bunk bed she shared with Lauren.

Lisa and my other three sisters entered and we all shared round the food and chatted about Dani's likes and dislikes.

As some of the boys came in to see where we all were, Dani seemed to remember their names from only a few hours earlier! It was a great sign and we were all really happy, Amy kept smiling at me, my little cupcake!

Soon it was dinner, and I helped Dani into her wheelchair before we all made our way downstairs. I felt relieved as mom and dad tried to be normal around each other - I guessed they were going to wait a while before telling her about the divorce, the band and the future...

Tears pricked at my eyes but I fiercely shook them away, 'come on Kath stay strong for your sisters and brothers.' I told myself sternly.

We all say down, and to everyone's surprise, Dani volunteered to say grace.

'Dear Lord,' she began, 'Thank you for keeping me safe and alive over the last 24 hours. Thank you for the support of my family and please help us all in the next few months, both physically and mentally. Amen.'

Dani opened her eyes, smiled and breathed out heavily at us all. I think we were all genuinely touched at the sincerity of her prayer.

Mom started passing round the pasta bowl and we all got a spoonful into our plates before starting to eat hungrily. The conversation was light, telling jokes and fun facts about us all. Dani smiled and tried to join in the conversation, trying to remember everything. I could tell she felt a bit embarrassed about not knowing anything about anyone, but I think it was fine because we all made her feel welcome.

After dinner Alex, Amy, Lisa, the boys and I took Dani on the grand tour of our house. She was very surprised at the school room and being told we were all homeschooled by our mom.

After the tour, all of us sisters met in the lounge and Lauren had set up a surprise movie, which was her's and Dani's favourite movie ever. We were all puzzled but then the movie Pitch Perfect started playing.

I quickly explained it to Dani and she smiled and settled down comfortably. I pointed out Anna Kendrick, Skylar Astin, Rebel Wilson, and all the other stars.

Two hours later we were full of popcorn and we were sprawled out on the couches. Dani had enjoyed the movie and afterwards we had a group hug before going to bed.

It had been a good day.

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