No-one there

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Dani's POV

I stood in the middle of the room at a heartbreaking moment. The five people I really, really, trusted were shouting at me. I put my hand up to silence them, 'I'm sorry.'

And then I ran out of the room and to the bottom of the garden, tears pouring down my face.

I reached the bench at the bottom of the garden and collapsed onto it, my body shaking uncontrollably as my vision blurred again.

I lay there on the bench for what seemed like an eternity, when my youngest sibling Joey came tentatively up to me. 'Dani, are you ok?'

Bless him. I sat up straight and opened my arms to embrace him, and he jumped into my lap and hugged me tight. 'I'm scared, Dan. I want to speak to mom but she's busy.' I started crying again. My sisters and I had been so wrapped up in the band that I'd nearly forgotten about the fact that our parents were splitting, and little Joey had no-one there for him.

'I'm sorry Joey, I'm going to go speak to Christina, ok? I need to put things right.' Joey hugged me one more time before jumping off me and running back to Nick and Christian to play football.

I slowly got up and trudged to the house, went up the stairs to Christina's room and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

'Christina? Can you meet me in the garden in a few minutes?' I asked hopefully.

'Sure.' she answered begrudgingly.

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