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Lauren's POV

Darkness. Ugh, I've got a pounding headache like someone is playing the drums in my head. I try to prise my eyelids open but they stay glued shut. I start panicking; What happened? I remember a needle...

A voice cuts through my panic attack, 'Lauren, calm down. It's alright. I'm here.' It was Kath, my big sister. I try hard to open my eyes but again they won't budge. 'Lauren, if you just stay still for a second it will be alright.' It was a voice I hadn't heard before.

'Who' I tried to speak but my throat felt like sandpaper, I cleared my throat and tried again; 'Who are you?' I tried again to open my eyes, and eventually they opened to show me blurry whiteness

I blinked a few times and my vision became clearer. I was lying down on a sofa in the hospital waiting room, my family sprawled out on chairs around me. My head was on Kath's lap and she was stroking my hair, smiling down at me. 'Hi' she said simply.

I looked up and around and saw the source of the unknown voice - a male doctor. 'Hello Lauren, I'm Dr. Dale. You may have a headache, that will be the side-effect from teh sedative we gave you.'

I nodded hesitantly, then remembered my sister, Dani. 'Where's Dani? Is she ok?' I sat up and a wave of pain came through my body, causing me to collapse into Kath's arms.

'Stay still. Dani's ok. I was about to tell your family her injuries in a minute, so everyone,' he stood up and raised his voice to catch everybody's attention. 'If you could all go down the corridor and go inside Office 37 please, I will be there in a moment.' My family stood up and walked slowly down the corridor, like all the life had been drained out of them.

''Dr. Dale?' I stopped him as he set off for the office. 


'What is the time now? And - and what time was my sisters... accident?' I stumbled through the sentence like a blind man.

'The time now is 4:00am on Tuesday. Your sister had her accident at 10:30 last night.' He answered sensitively.

'Thank you.' I said as I stood up slowly, holding onto Kath.

We made our way down the corridor, found office 37, took a deep breath, and stepped inside.

'Lauren! Are you ok?' my mom called out to me in concern.

'Yes, thank you.' I answered. Kath and I took our seats next to Christina and Amy. I looked round at my family gathered here, round this table. From anxious Nick and Joey, to Christina, Mike and our parents trying to stay strong for us all, we all looked scared and vulnerable.

Dr. Dale started; 'Well, her injuries are quite severe, but they will all heal in time. Danielle has broken both of her legs, three ribs are cracked, she has a broken collarbone and concussion.'

We all gasped in unison. Most of us started crying, thinking about what poor Dani must have gone through. I thought that was it, we could go and see her, comfort her. But no.

Dr. Dale continued; 'I know this is hard, but she will be physically better in about two months time.

'I sadly cannot say the same for her mental injury.' I snapped my head round to look at him, then winced in pain. What did he just say?

'Danielle's head bumped onto the bonnet of the car very hard, and sadly it hit the area where all your memory nerves are stored. Due to this impact, the nerves changed position and some disconnected.

'We have put everything back and everything is ok, but she still has severe memory loss.'

All twelve of us stared at him in disbelief. This was why she didn't recognise me!

'How bad is it? How will it affect her?' Mom asked the fearful question we were all thinking.

'Well, she will not recognise any people, she may recognise places, and any events in the past two years she will not remember.

'However, using pictures and taking things slowly, maybe even using your youtube videos as a help, she will start to remember. I don't know how long it will take, everybody is different.

'But with perseverance, you can get Dani back.'

I broke down at this last sentence and started sobbing and shaking again. Lisa rushed over too comfort me, and I knew she was trying to stay strong, but there were still tears in her eyes.

'I just, I can't let her go, Lise.' I whispered to her.

'Don't worry, we work hard, we can get Dani back.' She looked me square in the eyes, 'We can do this.'

Dr. Dale cut across everyone, 'I'm very sorry about everything. I know you are all keen to see Dani, but she is sleeping now, and I think you should all go home and get some rest, then come back fresh tomorrow to introduce yourselves to her and take her home.'

He ushered us out of the office, and we left for home, before collapsing into bed.

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