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Amy's POV

'Mom' Christina says, 'Is Dani ok?'

We stand there in silence, 10 siblings and our father, waiting for an answer from our mom, but she sits there motionless, except for a single tear rolling down her cheek.

I see Dr Dale come down the corridor and we all turn towards him, anxious to know how Dani is. He approaches us and leads us into office 37. We sit down and he begins to speak; 'Dani started choking and her throat constricted, leading there to be extremely little oxygen going into her brain. Thankfully she was resuscitated. She is now ok, she will just be a bit out of breath for a few days and will have headaches.'

We all breathed out and I hugged Lisa next to me, so relieved that our baby sister was ok once again.

I suddenly thought of a question, 'Dr Dale, how did Dani start to choke?' I asked.

'Well we aren't completely sure, we think that she started breathing too quickly and her lung and stomach muscles couldn't take the strain, so it went into shut-down mode and her throat constricted. But don't worry, it won't happen again.' He added quickly, seeing our worried faces, 'Dani was shocked at something and so all her muscles were tensed and tight, so all the heavy breathing was about to break them unless she went into shut-down. It is very rare though, trust me when I say that it won't happen again.'

We all nodded, thanked the doctor and went out to see Dani. Her cast for her collarbone was off, but she was still in a wheelchair because her broken legs weren't quite healed yet.

I ran to her and hugged her tight, then the rest of the family joined in. I whispered, 'You ok, Dan?' 

'Yes,' I'm just a bit tired and I've got a headache.' she answered before starting to cough slightly. We all jumped back and gave her some air before she nodded, 'It's alright, I'm fine. Can I go home now?' We nodded and she smiled, I was so glad she was ok and it was like she had never lost her memory, she was the same Dani.

We went to the van and drove home.

Dani's POV

That was so scary. Choking. Not being able to breath. I had a nightmare about it whilst I was sleeping in the hospital, but I'm ok now. I still can't believe that mom and dad are getting a divorce. I'm ok with it, I guess. I hope dad's staying in LA so we can see him. Even though I've only known my family for a few weeks, it feels like I never went. I love Amy and her tacos, Lisa and her pizza, Kath and her poetry and cooking, Christina on her diva act, even though shes a child at heart, and Lauren, who is the sugar to my spice, and who has been so protective of me. I love them all.

We arrived home and I got into my chair before going indoors. I looked into the study and saw teh chair I had been sitting on. I went and sat on it, comfy. I smiled to myself before going to my room to listen to some music.

I got in there and saw all my five sisters in there, obviously having a big serious conversation about something. I was immediately suspicious. 'What are you talking about?' I asked warily.

I saw them all look at Christina, who gave them a small nod before speaking to me; 'Dani, we have something to tell you. Before your accident a few weeks ago, we six were in a band. We were called Cimorelli, started in 2009, you joined in 2010/2011. We do covers on youtube and originals. Some a Capella, piano, guitar, recorded, and so on...' 

She trailed off and all my sisters looked expectantly at me, waiting to see my reaction. I took a deep breath and smiled, 'Wow, thats awesome! How many subscribers do we have?' 

The sisters laughed at each other and grinned, 'Nearly 2.1 million!' Lisa screamed.

'Oh my goodness. We must be good!' I laughed. It was a great sister moment and I felt proud of this feat I had only learned about 2 minutes. Christina regained her serious face and continued, 'In early August we got back from a radio tour which had gone on for three weeks across America! It was promoting our EP with four original songs on it; Made in America, Wings remix, The way we live, Whatcha think about us. We haven't been on twitter in over a month or done a video or cover because of your accident, so I think we should make a video with a brief explanation and a cover. And then we can start our album and normal covers, and twitter...'

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