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Lisa's POV

Oh my sweet Jesus. My sister is on the edge of a cliff. I snap out of my shock mode and get into action. 'Amy, stay here and get the others. I'm going up there.' She nodded quickly and I started running. It didn't look far but it was a big cliff and I had to run up it fast, but at least I was helped by the adrenalin running through my body.

I got to near the top. I could see Dani clearly now - her small, hunched, figure, the old and fresh tears staining her cheeks. I wasn't sure what to do. I quietly approached her and felt scared, she was so near the edge I was afraid to touch her.

'Dani.' she turned round, sadness, pain, and anger in her eyes, 'Please come down to the beach with me. Nobody is upset. We tweeted to ask who thinks you should stay in the band despite what happened. It'll be ok.' I tried to be convincing, but my shaky voice and the tears on my cheeks gave me away.

Dani's POV

She doesn't get it. None of them get it. I should never have rejoined the band. What happened, the accident, was clearly a sign. Since they told me about the band I've looked at every video they've uploaded, and each one has at least one hate comment about me. I know that the haters are mean and worthless, but after so many different people insulting me I starrt to believe them.

I just wanted to end it all. I'm sure that God meant for me to die in the crash, and of course memory loss was the next best thing. Maybe he wanted me to suffer.

I didn't know what to do. I'd been on the cliff for hours, wondering whether I really should jump off to the end.

Now I don't know. Having Lisa here with me makes me think about my family, my world.

I think I've been on here too long. The waves get nearer and I feel dizzy.

Lisa's POV

Dani's looking at me weirdly. She stumbles backwards a bit, towards the edge of the cliff.

'Dani!' I shout, trying to make her here my voice over the wind, 'Are you ok?' I can't see her face very clearly now, it's too dark and she's stumbling around.

She sways side to side and then mumbles under her breath, I can't hear what she's saying. I rush to her and try to hold her, keep her still.

'Dani! Stay awake!' I yell into her ear as it starts to rain.

This is my worst nightmare. Rain pouring down, wind rushing past, pitch black all around, on the edge of a cliff holding my sub-conscious sister in my arms, no help except Amy below.

Dani's body slumps and I finally see that her thigh on her right leg has a long, deep, jagged cut. I look at the ground. She's lost a lot of blood.

I pick her up and try to stagger down the cliff. Where's Amy? I said for her to call the others! I stumble and fall a few times, ignoring the pain all over my body, especially my left leg which is in agony. I have to drag it along behind me, tears and rain pouring down my face.

I reach the beach, next to the road and I lay Dani down then see Amy running towards me. 'Amy! What the hell were you doing? Phone an ambulance, phone mom, NOW!' I scream in her face and she freezes, terrified.

I stumble suddenly around and try to hold onto her, but she keeps moving. I try to say her name but my words are slurred. I'm exhausted now and I try to reach once more, and I can't.

My vision slides sideways as I feel a sharp pain in left leg.

My world turns black.

Amy's POV

Lisa just swore at me, screaming to call an ambulance for my unconscious sister and mom. I freeze in shock.

Suddenly she starts staggering around, swaying, trying to reach for me but missing. She tries to speak but I can't understand what she's saying.

Lisa tries to reach for me again, but misses. Suddenly she starts falling to the ground, she screams out in pain and collapses. Oh my god.

I never phoned mom or my family. I don't know why. I guess some surreal part of me thought everything would be fine and Lisa and I wouldn't need help with Dani.

I regret that decision now.

My fingers slipping with sweat and rain, I fumble for my phone and drop it before picking it up and dialling for an ambulance.

'Hello, what service do you require?' the calm voice asked me.

'Ambulance, now! On the beach next to the car park, two of my sisters are unconscious, I don't know why. Please help, please!' my voice sounds hysterical and I'm sure the lady didn't understand, but she repeats the information back to me and I confirm it.

'An ambulance is on its way and should be there in 5 minutes. Try to find the injuries maybe but do not touch them.' I nod and then say, 'Ok, I'm going to phone my family. Thank you.'

I hang up without waiting for a response and dial moms number. She picks up immediately.

'Mom, come to the beach, next to the car park! It's Lisa,' I try to say the next words but I'm crying hysterically. I can't say anything more, and through my panic attack I think I hear her say she was coming. I sit down and try to breath calmly and slowly but the lump in my throat and my jagged crying stops me.

Less than one minute later the ambulance arrives. They put Lisa and Dani on stretchers and put them in the ambulance.

Mom arrives and hugs me as I am still hysterical - the paramedics haven't even acknowledged I'm here. I see them get in and turn on the engine but I scream and run to them, banging on the door.

'Where at you taking them? Don't leave me! I'm not leaving them!' My legs feel weak and I try to sit down slowly but I fall down. I register the immense pain but I don't feel anything.

Christina's POV

Mom phoned me and said she was going to the beach car park for Lisa, Amy, and Dani. Immediately I grabbed Kath and we ran into the big van.

We are now at the beach, getting out of the van. I see Amy on the ground, uncontrollably shaking and crying. I then note the ambulance and the two stretchers lying motionless inside. I push down the fear and shock and run to mom and Amy, Kath one step behind me.

Mom nods to us before turning to Amy. The paramedics are taking her gently to the ambulance and let her and mom step inside. Before they pull away mom whispers, 'Get the others and go to the hospital. Now.' We nod and run back.

I jump into the seat and start driving to the house whilst Kath rings everybody and tells them to get back immediately.

We get to the house 15 minutes later and my 6 other siblings jump in, before we start going again.

We then arrive at the hospital.

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