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Lisa's POV

Well. I have to say this is a shock. We all thought everything was fine. Our parents almost never had a disagreement, as far as we knew.

As for the band, I know I want to continue and have to stay in LA with mom, which I'm fine with.

I cannot speak on behalf of my five sisters though. I hope and pray that they want to stay in LA, because if one of them wants to leave we can't force them to stay, and we can't carry on without them because it won't be the same.

I'm so upset about it all.

I think we should call a sister-meeting.

Once I finish my pizza I'll go and find the others and we can talk.

Dani's POV

'Dani, Lauren, where are you?' I heard the faint echo of Lisa calling.

Lauren and I were at the bottom of the garden, not wanting to be alone but at the same time not talking.

We looked at each other and Lauren shrugged and stood up. 'Coming!' I yelled in the direction of our house.

As we approached I heard Lisa call out for Kath and Christina.


Lauren and I looked at each other and giggled as we trudged up to the room and pushed open the door.

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