Chapter 15

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The calm days of routine had begun for the capital. The normal life smoothly went on. In the King's court things were frantic though. There were robes and gowns fluttering, less in anger and more with anxiety. The queen had gathered them, no one high office bureaucrat or the remaining generals were to be left absent. The crowd grew frustrated. They have been waiting for more than an hour and still the queen has not graced with her presence. Jokes started being cracked.

The chief tax collector said to the minister of the municipal. "And the English these days are trying to bring the king's daughter to power. This is why we don't want queens to rule. It's good that the first right to power is always given to men."

The young municipal minister gave a hard laugh to the joke but not all who were around liked the joke. The joke especially troubled the Treasurer, the Duke of Almanor's son. He stood up and in a frown and with disgust came close to the tax collector and spat at his shoes "You call yourself loyal to the crown? Ya' I think you all do...(He pointed at the crowd he say laughing.). Disgust, such disgust you create in my heart. How dare you say such to the beautiful Queen Isabella! She is Drothvana's righteous ruler; the king is king because she chose him..." A few men try to calm him while another man, from the armed men on the left side of the throne started shouting. This time every head turned their ears towards what he was to say. "Nay to the King and Yay to the Queen!!! The queen is ours; the king's of foreign. Loyalty to the blood of Droth, and no one else." A General elbowed the man and knocked him out.

The guard announced Queen Isabella's entrance, but the scuffle that began from a single joke escalated to a fight that could not be stopped. The ministers and the hooligans in the slums it seemed had changed souls. The generals on the other hand seemed much disciplined apart from the one knocked out by their head Lombard. It was Lombard because of which no general was able to say anything. For they all knew how close he was to the king, but most importantly to him the army kept the country safe and the crown safe, it had no ulterior political agenda and needs none in his rule.

The queen can and sat on the throne and just stared at the hooligans on right and the disciplined men on the left. She wondered who the lords were and who the soldiers were. She just kept silent and in awe saw the chaos her loyalists had created with other ministers. A rift that will divide the kingdom and will bring his agenda's to play.

The ambitions of Venus were coming to the opaque from the abstract thoughts of her devilish mind.

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