Chapter Three:

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All of my things are packed, deep down I don't want to go but I know I have too. On the bright side, I'll be reunited with my brother. I'm proud of how far he's come, I get to be with him as he goes further in life.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear my brother talking downstairs, he's here.. I'm leaving.

I dart for the the stairs and head downstairs. When I make it to the living area I was planning to jump on my brother cause I've missed him but when I got down there he was no where in sight just the two guys, I couldn't make out who they were cause they had their backs turned.

"Um can I help you?" I ask them backing up a little further from them.
They turn around and I just keep quiet. Who are these guys?

"We came with Alex." One manages to say.
I nod because I'm not sure what I should say.

"I'm Ethan by the way, and this is my twin brother Grayson." He tells me holding his hand out for me to shake.

I accept and nod, "I'm Alexis, Alex's sister." I stutter.

Ethan actually made an attempt to talk to me, but the other one. What did Ethan say his name was? Grayson. He just keeps standing there with the same sour face he contained when I walked down here.

My thoughts were interrupted once again when my mom and brother come back inside, I guess they were just on the front patio all this time.

"ALEX!" I yell and jump for him, he catches me with no problem. It feels good to actually see my brother again.
"Hey you", he says putting me down smiling.
"Are your things packed? We have a flight scheduled for 3:15 so we need to get to the airport soon. He asks me turning towards our mom.

"Yeah it's all upstairs." I tell him coaxing him to follow me upstairs.

Yo, eth, Gray, mind giving us a hand. She has a lot I'm sure. Alex asks them. Ethan jumps up but Grayson sighs and hangs his head down but eventually gets up and follows.

We didn't think this all the way through, it's not a simple drive from Phoenix to LA so of course we are taking a plane, but my bed, my dresser, all of my things that aren't able to be placed in a suit case and or hand back are being left behind and will definitely have to be replaced.


We eventually got all of my bags downstairs, Alex called for a cab so while we wait I guess now would be a good time to tell my parents goodbye.

"Ma, Pa? Come here." I tell them from the kitchen.
As soon as they made it to me I grabbed them both and felt like I was holding on for dear life. The tears instantly began to fall, it's actually happening, I'm leaving my parents, I'm leaving everything behind.

"I'm gonna miss you two so much, I really am. I'm sorry I stressed you out mama, I'll do better, I promise you won't be disappointed. I'll make you both proud." I managed to get out. They just nodded and cried along with me.

"The cab is out front." Alex yelled from the living area.

I looked up at my parents, gave them a reassuring smile and walked out to grab my purse. I walked over to Alex, turned to my parents, mouthed I love you and Walked out. I can do this, I just need to breath.
Alex said his goodbyes to our parents and I was left outside with Ethan and Grayson. They already got in the cab but I wanted to wait on Alex.

He made his way out of the house, and we walked to the cab.

"Yo dude, this cab is small, someone is gonna have to sit in someone's lap." Ethan told us before we got inside.

"Why are you saying someone, we knows it's gonna be Alexis, she's the smallest on out of the four of us." Grayson cocked from his window seat.

"Okay well if I'm sitting on someone it isn't going to be Alex." I smirked. I know he's my brother but still I just didn't feel right.

"Okay well we are running low on time so just come here." Grayson told me.

I wasn't even going to question it. I turned once again to see my parents standing on the patio I waved quickly, blew a kiss, then made my way over to Grayson. When I got comfortable I looked behind me at Grayson to see if he was okay, but he was just looking out the window so I guess he was fine.
It's like a thirty minute drive to the airport and we just pulled out of my parents driveway so I knew this was going to seem like the longest drive ever. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes, maybe if I took a nap the ride wouldn't seem that long.

The cab came to a stop and I sat up. I didn't take it in that I was still sitting on Grayson, that is until I feel two hands holding my waist, I didn't think anything of cause I mean, we're all crammed in a small taxi cab.

Alex opened his door and stepped out, going for the trunk to get my things and Ethan followed, I attempted to get up but Grayson still had his hands tight around my waist. I looked back at him and saw that he was sleeping, I giggled to myself and shook him a tad.
"Hey, Grayson, we're here, we have to go." I whispered while shaking him. He slowly opened his eyes, noticed his hands and instantly threw them down.

"Alright alright, I'm up, let's go." He motioned his hands for me to get out.

I threw my purse over my shoulder as I stepped out. I looked down at my phone and checked the time, 3:05, we made it just in time, our flight leaves in ten. Once my bags were all out of the trunk, Alex paid the cab driver, handed me a bag, the twins grabbed a few, and we made our way into the airport.

California, please do me some good.

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