Chapter Thirteen: Dinner With A Ghost

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Chapter Thirteen: Dinner With A Ghost

November 1st, 1910, 9:30pm

The Opera Ghost and I walked arm-in-arm across the darkened stage, I couldn't see three feet in front of me, but the Opera Ghost could see perfectly fine. "Watch that, gas light" said he, quickly, as he pulled me away; several times more this happened so he smiled to me and lifted me off of the stage. Holding me bridal style he walked me off of the stage, up red, carpet stairs and to a door labeled 'Box Five'; he placed me upon the ground and with the flick of his wrist, the door opened. He took up my arm again and led me inside where I was stunned more than I was at the Bistro! All of the seats had been removed (save a little, wooden chair in the corner), the curtains were closed, and in the middle of the box (where the seats were supposed to be) there was a little table covered in white table cloth.

At the small table where two, red, velvet chairs; in front of these chairs (on the table) was a golden plate, a tea cup filled with hot tea, silver utensils, a champagne glass, and a napkin folded to look like a swan. In the middle of the table there was a candelabra with several, lit candles inside; this was all it took to illuminate the box. The Opera Ghost closed the door after us, helped me into my chair and disappeared behind curtains that hid the walls of the opera box; all of a sudden the music of a violin floated through the air and the Opera Ghost returned, holding a bottle of wine and a red rose with black lace tied around the stem. This he placed in my hair and set the wine on the table, now he disappeared once more, only to return bearing food. The food was a foreign dish named lasagna, it's layers of flat noodles and ricotta cheese, then it is smeared in marinara sauce and baked to perfection.   

"So, when did Timothy tell you?" I asked "about what Mamma did" I clarified, sipping on the wine the Opera Ghost poured for me; there was something different about this wine, it was sweet and didn't have a bitter aftertaste, needless to say, I liked it.

"He said two moments after it happened, I ran to my opera box and caught you and he walking; I saw you look up to my box, there was a grave look upon your face...and I couldn't discern if you saw me or not." Said he eating a forkful of lasagna. I smiled.

"No, I didn't see you...that's why I looked so grave." said I, glancing up from my dinner and smiling to the handsome man. The Opera Ghost now sat back in his chair and crossed his arms which seemed to double in muscularity since last I saw him; he smiled at me and poured a bit more wine in my glass, I thanked him and he nodded.

"What...oh, what did that man say to make you to yell in the streets of Paris, at night?" Asked he, leaning forwards and drinking from his glass; I smiled again and sighed.    

"He was attempting to tell me who I could and could not see" Said I, the Opera Ghost nodded, something shined in the candlelight and we both looked down to see that I was involuntarily fiddling with the ring he had given me, the Opera Ghost put down his cup and smiled; pouring both he and I more wine. "So" I whispered, feeling a bit lightheaded, I had almost finished my lasagna and I started to become very giggly "What do you do all day?" I asked, putting my head in my hands and leaning on the table; looking at the Opera Ghost dreamily.

"I watch and listen to you" said he, he was perfectly sober. My cheeks turned a red color and I started to giggle, then I assumed the head-in-arms position again; I started making little circles on the table cloth and I looked up to the Opera Ghost, who was watching my every move. "Tell me about yourself, Elizabeth" said he "your obviously, playful for, I watched you and your sister make faces in your mirror" I smiled and blushed again 'he saw that?...oh, now I feel the fool' I thought. 

"Well" I whispered, staring into his eyes, the candlelight gleamed and glimmered against them; mesmerizing me and making me trail off. "Your eyes are amazing" said I, he smiled and I took a big swig from my glass; "my life wasn't happy, exactly" said I, reading to take the plunge into all those horrid emotions again. My hand was upon the table and he moved his hand over it; I lifted up my fingers and interlocked them with his. "Christine was the best mother she could have been...she tried to keep Victoria and I as down-to-earth as possible; she gave me singing lessons and taught me to play the piano. She taught Victoria to dance" I paused and chuckled "I never learnt how.

 Christine was always there when we needed her..." I whispered, never breaking eye contact with the Opera Ghost. "Raoul...he was always working, he took to tobacco smoking" I shook my head "he had a terrible cough...and then, some nights, he would just stop" I finished, sipping on the wine.

"Stop coughing or smoking?" Asked the Opera Ghost, putting the cork back in the bottle and placing it on the floor; he saw that I was becoming inebriated. I smiled and put down my glass.

"Coughing" I answered, I paused "and everything else would stop as well. You would be surprised how many times I called the doctor to revive him in the wee hours of the morning; thankfully, Victoria was too young to understand." there was a short pause and I began again "So, that's my childhood, what's your story?" I asked, holding his hand tighter. The Opera Ghost became very, very quiet and he wouldn't meet my gaze; he would look away or down, but never to me.

I sighed and stood; his eyes instantly shot up to me, I smiled to him, and walked over to him, never breaking our hands. "This was the most delightful dinner I've had...thank you" said I, leaning down and kissing his half-mask's cheek. The Opera Ghost stood, and as he stood we heard quick footsteps; running away from the opera box, I instantly looked to him. He ran to the door and threw it open, he peered down the hallway and turned back to me.

"There is no harm here, Elizabeth, I am the most harmful thing in this Opera House" Said he, taking up my arm; I attempted to protest but he placed his index finger to my lips. "You will only waste your breath...and that is something I would like you to keep" I felt as if I was going to melt into a puddle on the floor as he walked me back to my room; I unlocked my dressing room's door and as I turned to tell him goodnight, I found that he had vanished. I smiled.

"Goodnight, Opera Ghost...sweetest dreams to you" I whispered walking into my dressing room and falling upon my bed; drifting off into a deep sleep.      

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