Chapter Seventeen: House on the Lake

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Chapter Seventeen: House on the Lake

November 4th, 1910

I was entranced as a sweet, sweet voice met my ears and softly kissed them. Then, I remembered the Persian telling me that the 'siren' was actually the Opera Ghost beneath the surface of the lake; singing through a hollowed reed. I smiled and thought up a plan; I would sing to the Opera Ghost. I stood in the narrow boat and readied my voice as the 'siren' continued singing; I placed the paddle down beside me.

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came...that voice which calls to me and speaks my name.

And do I dream again? For now I find--the Phantom of the Opera is there--inside my mind!

At this point the 'siren' stopped singing, I smiled, and sang again.

Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear--I am the mask you wear--my spirit and my voice in one combined! The Phantom of the Opera is there--inside my mind! He's there....the Phantom of the Opera!

I then knelt down, stretched my arms to the ceiling of the cellar and poured my body, mind, and soul into a solo melody; afterwards I was overcome with dizziness and fell backwards, thankfully, landing in the boat. I was utterly, fantastically, exhausted; I closed my eyes until I felt the gondola moving again, my eyes opened to find, standing before me, the Opera Ghost with a paddle in hand. The Opera Ghost was dripping wet and his hat was sopping; his wet cloak was still pulled around him, though. I smiled, finally, finally I could have relief! My eyes closed again and I felt the boat hit the shore; next thing I knew I was in the Opera Ghost's arms, he was carrying me out of the gondola.   

Sometime later...

Without realizing it, I had fallen asleep! More importantly, I had fallen asleep in the Opera Ghost's arms! I felt something soft and warm underneath me and what felt like blankets on top of me; I opened my eyes to see that, indeed, there were blankets covering me, for, I was in a bed! A bed with red sheets and that was shaped like a shell; all around the bed was a black, lace canopy. I sat up to find that I was in a sparsely decorated room, there was a brown wardrobe, the bed, two side tables, and the walls were covered by red curtains; I slowly slid out of the bed and walked to the curtains. 

A golden tassel presented itself, I smiled and pulled it; the curtains moved and revealed a picture of me that ran the length of the wall! I remembered posing for this picture, not a day ago! The painter was elderly (but did an astonishing job) and painted two of these pictures, one for me, and apparently, one for the Opera Ghost! This picture of me was in a golden frame which embellished the picture itself; I smiled and heard a jovial melody from the instrument of a piano dance into the room. Instead of doors curtains separated the rooms in the Opera Ghost's house, and this bedroom was no exception; I quietly pushed the curtain and walked through the threshold to find a humble kitchen. 

The wall color was a light brown whilst the cabinets were black and the countertop color was also black; in the middle of the kitchen sat a small island and along with the cabinets there was a black, gas stove. I turned to find a small sink in which were placed two, white plates; I looked down to find hardwood floors and a red, silken carpet running over these floors in a small hallway. This hallway I followed, getting closer and closer to the happy melody; at the end of the hallway I came to three thresholds, one on the right, one on the left and one in the middle. The one in the middle was were the piano music was originating, with a smile I pushed the curtain back a tad to see a piano against the back wall of the room and the Opera Ghost sitting at it; playing the amiable song. This room was also painted light brown and inside were all different types of instruments, ten violins, three harps, four pianos (ranging in size), three organs, two cellos, a tambourine, five drums (ranging in size) two guitars, and a few I had never seen before!

Little did I know, there were mirrors on the particular piano the Opera Ghost was playing at; so, he saw my every move. I smiled and stared at him dreamily, his cloak flowed over his body and laid limply on the piano seat; his wide, brimmed hat had dried but still flopped over his head, he popped his cloak's collar which surrounded his neck up to his ears. His fingers moved busily about the pearly white keys, tickling the ivory within and creating one of the most pleasurable sounds I had ever heard; I smiled and realized that, without thinking, I walked right into the room and stood with my back against the wall. The Opera Ghost then started to play a even happier tone that made my foot tap the floor; out of sheer happiness I started to dance about the room, twirling and twisting, jumping and bouncing, giggling and laughing. The Opera Ghost guided his song to an end and turned to me, I smiled and bowed; he bowed his head and scanned me, I was still in that stained, no-longer-white dress.

"You had quite the gash on your head, Margarita" Said he, running his gloved, index finger over the wood of his piano. "You really wanted to see this monster...that bad?" 

"You are no monster, Opera Ghost, no monster at all! But a genius, yes...that you are; you are a genius, a composer, and a are wonderful" I whispered "and your voice" I began again as I sat next to him "your voice puts the morning robin to shame, sweeter than sugar...smoother than butter...more wonderful than a fall afternoon...more vibrant than a rainbow...and warmer than a summer's night. Your voice is incredible...and I am not just speaking of your singing voice, Opera Ghost." Said I, looking into his mysterious eyes; he was quiet, but his eyes talked very loudly. "Why do you hide away from me?"

Asked I, turning towards him and placing my hand beside his; hoping, praying that he would take it. I inched closer to him and smelt his wonderful perfume of ginger and mints, it smelt so heavenly! His eyes locked onto mine and never strayed, whilst mine were nervous....and he could tell. I saw a small smile cross his face, he made his fingers do the 'walking man' (were your hand is supported by your index finger and middle looks like a human walking) over to mine; where his hand grasped my own and tenderly held it. My cheeks heated and turned pink, I laid my head down upon his shoulder whilst my heart sang and my mind was, for once, at peace; then, I smiled.

"Opera Ghost?" I asked, looking up at him from his shoulder, he looked down at me with attentive eyes. "Would you....would you like accompany me to--" I was cut off by his index finger pressing against my lips, he had a smile on his face.

"I will accompany you anywhere, Elizabeth...just say the words" Said he, my heart screamed a perfect note...a note of love.

"There's an ice rink in the general's already frozen over, and there's plenty of restaurants nearby...if you want to go out one day.." I whispered, the Opera Ghost smiled and agreed.

"Why don't we schedule that day for to-morrow?" Suggested he, my heart did a backflip in my chest and I instantly agreed "Good" said he, pulling me into a hug; I hugged him tightly and he chuckled, kissing the top of my head and laying his right cheek down upon where he kissed. I had never, ever been this happy all of my life! Wait until I tell Victoria and Megan about my exquisite date with the most perfect man!       

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