Chapter Twenty: Rue de Rivoli

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Chapter Twenty: Rue De Rivoli

November 5th, 3:00pm

The Persian and I sat on that bench for a while, all my hunger had left me so the Persian snacked on biscuits and something called a churro. All I could do was sit and attempt to figure out where the Opera Ghost was, I believed the Persian when he said that the Opera Ghost was fine and in a guise; but what guise? Where? I sighed and the Persian hugged me. "Daroga, I cannot return to the Opera House, not whilst the Vicomte is there, it would be too easy for him; too easy for him to take me again. Where am I to go?" I asked him, he smiled.

"You will live with me in my flat, in Rue de Rivoli; the Opera Ghost knows where it is, and he knows you are under my care. As for your sister and Megan, they are under the care of Mamma Giry in the flat next to mine; come, dear, maybe the Opera Ghost is already there! Lets go, back into the hansom" Said the Persian, helping me into the hansom and telling the driver to go to Rue de Rivoli; The Persian attempted to keep my spirits up by singing silly songs and telling me stories of when he was a child.

"Persian" I whispered "When I asked the Opera Ghost about his childhood, he was silent, why?" I asked, the Persian sighed.

"The Opera Ghost's childhood...was terrible. His father was a stone mason, and his mother stayed home; but the Opera Ghost...he ran away because of...I don't think the Opera Ghost would like me to tell you...not yet." Said the Persian, I sighed in frustration and turned away; the Persian smiled. "You will know soon enough, child, have patience with him; for he received no patience as a child nor in adolescence. not hesitate to show him love...that he also lacked in those crucial years" Said the Persian, quietly.

I nodded with a solemn face and the Persian asked me what the matter was, I then revealed to him the story of my parents deaths; the Persian smiled and hugged me. "Well" he started "You both can show each other the love you are lacking, you can fill the void for him and he can do the same for you, Elizabeth; ...he will do anything for you." The Persian finished, I smiled.

"And I will do everything...and anything for him" Said I, my voice breaking and the Persian enveloping me in another hug. Thunder rumbled and lightening cracked across the sky, soon after, rain pelted the earth; we arrived at Rue de Rivoli and quickly ran inside. The Persian introduced me to his loyal servant Darius who was kindhearted and very sweet; Darius informed us that three women were waiting in the Persian's rooms. The Persian and I quickly ran inside to find Victoria, Megan and Mamma Giry sitting in wooden chairs; Victoria yelled my name and jumped into my arms, where she wept into my shoulder. Megan was the first to catch sight of my wrists.

"My god! Elizabeth, what's happened to your wrists?" Megan cried as Victoria jumped down and they all gathered around me; staring at my bloody wrists. I explained to them what happened and Megan hugged the Persian, thanking him for saving me; Victoria hugged me again whilst Mamma stood before me with her head upon her breast. Mamma apologized for all she had done, and I embraced her; I forgave her, but warned her to never do it again. 

Mamma Giry, Megan, Victoria, and the Persian sat around a small table; swapping stories and telling jokes. I stood by a small window, staring at the hansom which brought us here; something seemed odd about the driver, I shared this thought with the Persian, and everyone came over to investigate. "He does seem a bit...odd" Megan said "Why is he still here? Did you tell him to stay, Persian?"

"No, in fact, I didn't tell him anything; I figured he would just leave afterwards, like most do." Said the Persian, standing beside me; the man was wearing a dark blue, hooded cloak with the hood pulled over his head, that's when it hit me. That was my cloak!  I shared this with everyone and instantly the Persian sent Darius out to inquire about the man. Soon we saw Darius appear beside the hansom and call up to the man, the man slowly looked down at him; holding the reins, then Darius turned, and walked back inside.

The man turned his attention forwards again, and never let go of the reins. "He says he knows where the Margarita's beloved is" Darius said, before the Persian could grasp me, I ran out of the room and was at the door when I saw the man's head turn to me, he pulled something out of the cloak's pocket, it was a key and in red paint was written the word 'life'. My breath was caught in my throat as he returned the key to the cloak pocket; I pushed out of the flat and ran to the driver.

"You know of where my beloved is?" I asked, I could not see anything on the man's face, save two, yellow eyes. The man nodded; I felt my heart warm again. "Where is he? Pray tell me!

Is he alive? Is he dead? Please, stop my suffering!" said I, feeling tears come upon me again; the man remained mute and turned away. "No!

Please, I'll do anything! Do you require payment? Please...just...I'll do anything...anything for him; anything for my époux" said I, (English Translation: husband/partner/mate) grasping the man's leg and shaking it gently. The man turned back to me and stared at me hard, those yellow eyes seemed familiar, but I would remember someone with yellow eyes! "Please" I whispered "I love him more than life itself...look!

Look what I went through for him!" said I upturning my hands and showing the man my bloody wrists; the man leaned over and held my arms, gently, I heard him sigh in frustration. "I would go through so much more for him...I would go to hell for that man; that's why I beg of you to give me something...anything...indicating where he is!" I cried, taking back my arms and holding his leg; the man sighed.

"Get in" the man said in a gruff voice, my heart flew and I jumped into the hansom as fast as my dress would allow me; the Persian yelled for the driver to wait, but the driver didn't listen, the horses reared and took off, hurtling us down the cobblestone road. I sighed and moments later we stopped, I looked out of the window to see that we were back at Rue de Rivoli and the Persian was still standing outside! My brows furrowed and I stepped out of the hansom, I turned to the driver.

"But, he is not here! The Opera Ghost wasn't in your flat" Said I to the Persian who walked up beside me; the Persian wore a smile on his face. I looked up to the driver with the yellow eyes, he was looking down at me and now he came down, off of the hansom and stood before me; he was a foot taller than me and a few inches taller than the Persian. All of a sudden the driver lowered his hood, and in lowering it his yellow eyes disappeared and black ones replaced them; and before me, stood the Opera Ghost. I squealed in delight and jumped into his arms, crying and kissing his cheek and neck; the Opera Ghost held me off of the ground and smiled as I showered him in kisses.

The Opera Ghost smiled to the Persian and held me bridal style as he carried me back into the Persian's flat. The Opera Ghost sat in a wooden chair, still with me in his arms; whilst everyone else stared in wonder at he and I. "So" I whispered, the Opera Ghost looked down at me, his black eyes were gentle and soft "you were the driver the entire time" said I, smiling up to him.

"Well, when I came to my senses I realized what happened and ran back to the Opera Populaire, where I saw you and the Daroga running out as fast as you could; I then took on the guise of a driver and drove you both to the General Square, where I heard you inquiring for me." The Opera Ghost paused and caressed my cheek with his index finger; then he leaned down and hesitantly kissed my forehead. "Your époux, hum?" Said he, puffing out his chest; I smiled and kissed his hand "if it is a husband you are looking for, it is a husband you shall have...I have written a wonderful wedding mass...and I have given you the ring of my heart..." he trailed off, and raised his eyebrows. My heart rate skyrocketed, was he asking me to marry him?  

Or...was he already my fiancé?         

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