Chapter Twenty Eight: End of a Vicomte's Love Story

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Chapter Twenty Eight: End of a Vicomte's Love Story

November 7th, 1910, 8:00am

My dressing room, that's where my Angel of Music brought the Vicomte and I; he placed me down, gently on my bed, but yanked the Vicomte by the Punjab lasso wrapped around his neck. My Opera Ghost turned to me now and sighed "would you really...really like to be married" Asked he, I smiled and stood.

"I would love to" Said I, staring into the Angel of Music's eyes; that's when my Opera Ghost yanked the Vicomte up and stood him on his knees before me. The Vicomte looked so frightened.

"Tell him. Tell him that you love me, and no one else; tell him how wonderful you said I was...prove it to me that you love me." Said my Angel of Heaven; I nodded to him and looked down to Aaron who wore a sorrowful expression, for but a moment. Then, I saw Aaron smile.

"You may tell me your love for him; for, Elizabeth, you have made me the happiest man in the world." Said the Vicomte, the Opera Ghost growled and tightened the Punjab lasso around his neck; hissing to the Vicomte to be silent. I kneeled down to the Vicomte and shook my head.

"Vicomte, I...I love Erik; I love the Opera Angel of Music, my Angel of Heaven. He and he only have I loved; he is so manly and suave and mysterious, so handsome and cunning, witty and protective." I stood and walked to the Opera Ghost, placing a hand on his chest and standing on my tippy toes; puckering my lips. "So....mine" Said I, at this moment the Opera Ghost grasped me and pulled me into a kiss; a very passionate kiss at that. After Erik let me go, we both looked down to the Vicomte to see him staring daggers at Erik...and me.

"Angel" The Opera Ghost whispered breathily into my ear "would you allow me to rid you of this vermin who scurries after you like a mouse does the Rat Catcher? Allow me, my love, to rid our love of this jealousy that pelages it..." Said he, kissing my cheek; I smiled and closed my eyes as Erik (A.K.A. The Opera Ghost) began kissing my neck.

", love..." Said I, at length; I felt Erik smile and he kissed my cheek once more.

"To your sister's bedroom" Said he, unwrapping his arm from my waist, but before I could leave the Vicomte asked to say one more thing to me; "be my guest, sir."  Hissed Erik.

"Elizabeth" The Vicomte started, turning to me as I stopped before the door that connected my and Victoria's rooms. "Elizabeth, I hope your life is happy, with him; I hope he gives you everything you desire. Even though you do not love me, you have made my life worth living...and dying...just by being there; I would die for you a million times over, Elizabeth. It is a shame that I only have but one life to give for show you how I show how much I love you; goodbye, Elizabeth. I just want you to know that I have...and always will love--" Erik yanked on the Punjab lasso "--you" the Vicomte finished in a choked whisper.

My heart dropped and I looked up to Erik, who's eyes spat fire at the Vicomte; I sighed "Erik" I whispered, and the Opera Ghost quickly looked up to me "Erik, please, do not kill again! The police would surely catch you this time! I overheard the managers speaking to them, and they nearly caught you last time, my love!" I cried, looking pleadingly to my groom.

"Oh, do not fret, my dear!" Erik growled, yanking on the Punjab lasso "I will hide his body where no one will find it" Erik chuckled.

"Oh, Erik! Lovely, sweet Erik! Please, for my sake, knowing that you killed someone...and being an accomplice to it wouldn't rest well in my mind...oh, Erik!" I cried, running up to him again and kissing his cheeks; Erik sighed and kissed me even more passionately than before! Dropping the Punjab lasso and pushing me onto my bed; deepening our kiss.

Then, we both heard the rope hit the ground and running footfall, moving away from us; Erik turned and we both saw the flash of the Vicomte's shirt as he ran out of my dressing room. I lifted my hand and gently turned Erik's face back to mine "Do not fret about him...look to me, my groom, look to me and love me" I whispered as his lips came back to mine.

Later that day, in the gardens of the Opera Populaire...

Erik and I sat on the little cement bench, his arm around my waist as I cuddled up to him; we watched the swan family swim about the pond. The father swan swam protectively next to the mother swan, whilst the baby swans swam happily behind the mother; Erik kissed my cheek and I giggled. "So, you want to make me a father, do you?" Asked he, looking down at me, I smiled.

"Only if you want to be" Said I, looking up to him; he sighed.

"What would you do if my deformity was passed on to our child?" He asked, solemnly, staring down to me; I smiled to him.

"It does not matter if our child has a deformity or not, it is our child...that's what matters. It's our bundle of joy, its something that we brought into the world...something beautiful; I wouldn't act different as a mother, I would be as I would if our child didn't have a deformity. Erik, you are beautiful; I hope and by god, I pray that our child will become at least half the wonderful man that you are." Said I, turning to him and staring up at him; I saw a smile appear on his face, and then, a small tear ran down his cheek. He sighed and we both looked to the sun, which sunk behind the trees, it was night now and as I looked up to Erik, I noticed his eyes turned yellow!

"Erik, why are your eyes yellow?" Asked I, as he looked to me, he sighed.

"It's part of the deformity, dear. They're black during the day...and yellow at night.." He explained, I nodded and there we sat until the wind became chill and we heard the distant striking of a clock, the time we walked inside, was midnight. Erik took me down to the house upon the lake, where he placed me in his bed and walked to his piano, playing a mellow and soft song that lulled me to sleep. 

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