Chapter Thirty Three: Christmas!

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Chapter Thirty Three: Christmas!

December 25th, 1910, 7:00am

I woke by feeling Erik stir and stretch, groaning softly as his arms reached above his head. I smiled and looked up at him, lifting my head from his chest, he was staring softly down at me, his dark eyes shimmering in the morning light. "Merry Christmas, Angel" he said softly, twirling a strand of my hair, I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Merry Christmas, my husband" I replied and his left hand strayed down to my stomach, patting and rubbing it gently. We were laying in our bedroom in our house upon the lake, so no one could disturb us. Erik sighed and slowly rose from the bed, his gaunt but strong figure before the bed, he stretched once more and turned to me, I was smiling with my head upon his pillow. He reached out his hands to me, which, I took happily, and he led me into the kitchen where he sat me at the small dining table and kissed my lips. "What are you doing?"

I asked, playing with the strand of my hair that Erik had been earlier. "I" he started, opening a bottom cabinet and pulling out a black pan "am making you breakfast" he finished, turning and winking to me. I sighed happily and stared at him dreamily, oh, how I loved him! How I cherished him! How I worshiped him!

He knew all of this. As he was preparing breakfast he would steal glances back at my enlarging tummy. It wasn't very big, but it was big enough to tell that I was pregnant. I began to wonder if he knew I was with child before I unknowingly spilled the beans in my rage at our now ex instructor. "Yes" Erik said abruptly "I had my suspicions" he added after a short pause, I was a bit surprised.

Sure Erik had done that before, answered my thoughts, but it still stunned me. I smiled dreamily "oh? What roused them?" I asked as he stole another glance backwards, he was turned now to the stove, something delicious that reminded me of pastries filled the air around us.

"When you were in the bathroom, preforming the pregnancy test I gave to you, and you muttered 'oh my god, I think I'm pregnant' and then I heard several giggles..." he trailed off and a large grin was painted on his face, he sighed "...I almost fainted." He admitted looking back at me with soft, loving eyes. "I immediately ran to the Daroga and Timothy and informed them of the news, would you like to hear their responses?"

I nodded and Erik turned with the pan in hand and put a few pancakes on a white, china plate. He sprinkled chocolate chips on top and placed grapes and strawberries next to them, he placed the pan on a cold eye and turned off the stove, smiling as he brought over a wonderful breakfast. I always thought Erik was a great cook, but, in my entire life, I had never tasted better pancakes than those he made that morning! Perhaps it was that I hadn't had pancakes in a while or that my hormones were going mental because a small human was growing inside me, I didn't care which, those pancakes were the best! "Timothy smiled and asked that he was really going to be an uncle whilst the Daroga fainted" I smiled and giggled, Erik sat down across from me and held my left hand, my wedding ring shone brilliantly.

"When would you like to tell the managers? You'll need maternity leave and Megan, for the time being, will take over the spot as Margarita." Explained Erik, I nodded as I chewed the pancakes.

"How about to-day? It is Christmas, after all, we can make a public announcement!" I said excitedly, Erik smiled a perfect smile and nodded.

"It is, whatever you want, my Angel of Music" Erik said with a smile, I smiled and he walked round to me, lifting me up, sitting down on the chair, and placing me in his lap. He loved to do that. With a smile our lips connected again.

 Thirty minutes later...

A led colored quilt spread across the Parisian sky and small gusts of wind blew the trees at random. All of a sudden, little white specks of precipitation showered down from above, I gasped and excitedly pressed my hands against the small window. An outline of muddled heat surrounded my hands as my eyes widened "Erik! My love! Come quick, come look at this!"

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