Chapter Three: Dinner Party

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Chapter Three: Dinner Party

October 30th, 1910

Megan grasped my hand and Victoria's and said her goodbye's to her mother, she quickly pulled us out of my room and down a dimly lit hallway "We're going to get our costumes, my, I wonder what they've chosen me to be this year; last year I was a terribly scary witch" Said Megan with a giggle.

"Yes, I do seem to recall you as a witch, I was a dog I think" Victoria said "A St. Bernard of all things!" She cried with a laugh, you see, Victoria had gotten into the Opera Populaire at a much earlier age; mother actually let her go to the training school for the ballerinas, but for some reason I was never allowed into the Opera Populaire, Victoria and I never figured out why.  "I do wonder what they've picked for you, sissy, I bet it's something wonderful!" Victoria cried, turning and smiling at me with her perfectly whitened teeth.

"I do hope so" Said I with a smile as we walked through the golden lobby and over to the costume room. The costume room was littered with all different things, clowns, witches, ghouls, cats, dogs, birds, trees; absolutely anything and everything you could think of! "Wow" I whispered, baffled at the utter amount of costumes; Megan smiled and pulled me farther into the room which seemed to elongate as we walked, Megan gave a cry and pulled out a costume who's tag had her name written on it.

"Werewolf? Well" Megan sighed "at any rate it's better than an ugly witch" added she, I smiled and Victoria giggled, then Victoria gasped and pulled out a costume with her name on it.

"You passed the witch onto me!" Victoria cried unhappily, Victoria crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip, as if she was pouting. I smiled and Megan pointed out a white dress with blood stains on it and on the tag my name was written; "Well, what is it?" Victoria cried, eagerly.

"It says here that it is 'Dracula's Bride'" Said I admiring the dress, it was an absolutely charming wedding dress with fake blood all around the right shoulder; with it came a bouquet of black roses, false fangs, a tube of fake blood, a fake wound, and white high heels. Victoria then began pouting and groaning about how mine was so much better than hers; as we were walking out we heard two girls whispering gossip to one another, I heard a bit of it. The first girl with black hair was speaking, she said:

"Oh that was so scary! I heard they found Josh hanging between the Jacob's ladder and a scene from Faust; and he was in a noose! The police are sure he committed suicide, but I'm convinced it was the Opera Ghost"

"Opera Ghost?" Girl two cried in a whisper "What reason would the Opera Ghost have to kill Josh?" Megan pulled Victoria and I into a rack of clothing, so that we could hide and not disturb their conversation.

"Don't you remember? A week ago Josh claimed he saw the Opera Ghost and he was describing him to us, remember he grabbed Christy and we all thought it was just a rouse to get close to her and Mamma Giry came and stopped him? Apparently, the Opera Ghost got angry at him for giving away his description and...killed him!" Girl one said, terror filled her voice.

"I do remember! Oh, god!" Girl two paused and a strange look of realization came over her face "do you suppose Mamma Giry is in cahoots with the Opera Ghost?" Girl two asked quietly.

"Of course not!" Girl one cried, then there was a pause...a very long pause. "Well...maybe...she has been at this opera for a very long that time she'd have gosh..." I sat beside Megan, barley breathing, our hands clasped together and squeezing the other one; I became increasingly confused, who is this Opera Ghost? Why would he kill a man just for describing him? Most importantly, why would they think my godmother was working with him?

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