The Empty Hearse: Part Four

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"I don't even know where to begin." I said to my uncle.
"I've got all night." He said, lacing his fingers together.

A long silence haunted the four of us while I searched for words. I glanced to Daniel, who had just moved his gaze away from me, and looked back down at my hands. My eyes lingered up my arms to see the elongated scar that was tattooed on my skin forever.

"Okay, how about this?" John began, and I looked up. "The last time we saw, much less spoke to one another, was two years ago. In the time between, I received a call that my only niece had attempted taking her life- twice, and quickly after did my best friend fake his own. Of course, I didn't know at the time that he did, because no one bothered to speak to me."

Speechless, I sat back in my chair. The sounds of the night were clouded by my heavy breath and thundering heart.

"Aspen," Daniel called, calming my senses. I looked to see him standing, and Lucy by his side. "I've gotta go."

I nodded my head, though I longed for him to stay. As they walked away, I realised that I still
needed closure with John. Every thought went back to that night, how I didn't get to say goodbye, before cutting him off for a whole two years. I also wasn't comfortable with Mary sitting with us; I barely knew her. If only Sherlock was here.

"John, I began, "I'm sorry." I had to start with an apology, or else it would never come out. Taking in a deep breath was the only way to not start crying on the spot. "You have no idea what I was going through back then. What I felt-"

"I was your uncle, I still am your uncle!" He told me, his voice calm as he reached out a hand. I didn't take it, and rather just sat and thought of what to say.

"I know, I knew, but I didn't want to burden anyone else with my baggage." I confessed, my head down. "After what happened that night, my best friend didn't even treat me the same. How was I supposed to face you?"
As if on cue, many emotions and memories that had been locked away were flooding back. I cringed at the rush, but kept myself together. The only exposed part was a small gasp that was released.

"She locked me up, as if she had the authority to do so. She had called authorities and they holed me up in a small room where they told me that it would be okay. That people like Sherlock weren't real." I hesitated to use the word 'Sherlock.' All of me wanted to say Moriary, but his name was something I couldn't bear to utter.
"They said they would call mum, and I would beg them not to. You weren't around to get me out."

"Aspen-" John interrupted.
"John, my father wasn't around when I lived with mum, and neither were you there to save me from those nightmares, so how was I to expect you to save me from that one?" I stated. "I had you for several months, in which I would find refuge in your flat, but you drifted away, soon too far for me to reach."

I paused for a moment, acknowledging his hurt. When I looked up, Mary was gone, having left sometime while I was talking. He wanted to speak now, I could tell. For once, I stopped my words to hear his own. In the few moments that passed, only silence filled the air around us before he took in a breath to speak.

"Aspen, I'm sorry, you have no idea how sorry I am. It's not something I wanted to do." He said. I knew what I was getting into when I went to Afghanistan, but I never in my wildest dreams did I think loosing you would be something. You're my only family; I don't even know if Harry is still alive. The amount of love I have for you is unsurpassable." He paused, realising his last comment. "Mary is a different story, but my god, Aspen you're my niece. If I were to lose you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You can't imagine the pain I felt when I heard what had happened to you.

"What happened with Sherlock is a different story, I don't think I can ever forgive him for that, but I do want you to know that I will always be here for you, and I swear that I'll be around for you. I should've said this a long time ago, but I will try to be perfect, because I know you deserve nothing less."

Prolonged silence followed his speech, as tears welled in my eyes. I stood up quickly before rushing to embrace my uncle, something that was long overdue. In a reflex, he hugged me as well, and I sobbed into his shoulder.
"I missed you so much." I said, before breathing in to control my outburst. The same phrase was repeated by me for a few moments before they were drowned by my tears. "I forgive you. I'm so sorry, John."

He patted my back softly, but I could tell he felt the same: emotionally overwhelmed by the reunion.
"It's okay, Aspen. I forgive you." He soothed, making me calm my hysteria. I pulled away from my uncle as a cab passed by. He hailed it, summoning the vehicle to him.

"I'm at 221B. In case you were curious. I never left." I told him before he opened the door. "Please drop by soon. You and Mary. We certainly have a lot of catching up to do." I said, my voice cracking from the stress of before.

"We will. I promise you that." He said before getting in. Right before the car drove away, John rolled his window down for one last phrase.

"Aspen, that boy. Is he yours?" He asked, making smile through my red and raw eyes. I could feel my cheeks turn a rosy red in the cool night air.

"I think so. That boy is mine." I said playfully before glancing in the direction he had left. Imagining his face then brought nothing but joy to my cloudy heart.
"Goodnight, Aspen." John said before rolling up his window.
I smiled once again as he drove off, a quiet street remaining.

No more that a hundred steps from where I stood was 221B. In less than a minute was I through door, where no one was.

I checked John's room, which was technically mine at the moment. Just a messy bed and dusty wardrobe was there.

As if curiosity led me, I checked Sherlock's room. One last grin spread across my face as I saw him laying in his bed, his dark blue satin nightgown draped over his shoulders. It was almost a comforting sight. Something about his presence was utterly heartwarming, and almost normal.

I went to John's room to retire for the night, and removed my necklace. I placed it by a watch, one that was stuck on a time, but illegible in the dark.
Nearly two seconds later was I resting in bed, my heart heavy with happiness and warmth, and not long after was I sleeping soundly.

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